Reid "pleads" with Nevadans to "Remember All I've Done."
Alright, finally something I agree with Reid on...so let us take a look at what he did "for" Nevada, huh?
Harry Reid conducted major backroom deals to get Obamacare aka Health Care reform passed into law, but he did so against the will and desires of his own constituents.
January 2010, Fifty-four percent of Nevada voters, Reid's constituents, opposed Obamacare according to CQ Politics and polls conducted by a variety of organizations at the time showed similar results of the majority of Nevada voters opposing it.
And just 35 percent of Nevada voters support the Democrats' health care overhaul legislation, a 4 point drop since December. Fifty-four percent oppose it, including 62 percent of independents and 89 percent of Republicans.
Yet Reid knew better and told folks around the country that they just didn't "understand" the law, so of course Reid passed it against their wishes... cause it was good for them and he knew better.
April 2010, 62 percent of Nevadans still didn't like the law and wanted it repealed, higher even than the national average.
Moving right along to Bailouts, which the majority of America was against and Republicans (many who lost their primaries) and Democrats alike are suffering for the massive Banking bailouts, not to mention the auto industry bailout and just about ever other bailout.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 57% of likely U.S. voters have more confidence in the judgment of a member of Congress who voted against bailouts than in the judgment of one who voted for them. Just 21% trust the judgment of a Congress member who voted for bailouts more. Another 22% are undecided.
Republican primary voters removed many due to their unhappiness but other Republicans and Democrats in Missouri, Connecticut, Ohio and Texas are all struggling in their election or reelection campaigns because of their votes cast in favor of bailouts.
Harry Reid ushered that through the Senate as well using his position as Senate Majority leader to do so.
Good or bad, right or wrong, with Nevadans suffering the highest unemployemnt rate, over 14 percent, the last thing they want is their tax funds being spent bailing out large corporations or banks.
Harry Reid supported and allowed a vote to be brought to the Senate floor on the Defense Authorization bill to which he allowed the inclusion of the highly unpopular DREAM Act.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said at a press briefing Tuesday afternoon that the immigration reform proposal would come up as an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill. A Reid aide said that such a vote was likely to come on Tuesday of next week.
The defense bill also includes a gradual repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. There will be a floor vote on an amendment to strip the repeal out of the bill, though Democrats expect to have enough votes to defeat it.
The DREAM Act is far from comprehensive, but has strong backing in the Latino and immigrant rights community. It creates a conditional pathway to citizenship for undocumented children, and requires either military service or a college degree. Advocates see the DREAM Act as a major step toward comprehensive reform that would create a pathway to citizenship for most undocumented immigrants.
The DREAM Act would have allowed states to provide in-state tuition to undocumented students by repealing a 1996 ban on benefits for illegal immigrants.
That move was rejected and did not even generate enough support to even begin a formal debate.
Rasmussen findings:
A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that only 22% of voters support the proposal introduced by Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL). The Dream Act would have given legal status to children of illegal aliens who complete two years of college or military service. That low level of support is very similar to support for the “comprehensive” reform measure that failed in June.
Fifty-nine percent (59%) of all voters oppose the Dream Act concept. Republicans oppose it by a 5-to-1 margin and unaffiliateds are opposed by a 3-to-1 margin. Democrats are a bit more evenly divided—49% opposed and 31% in favor—but Nancy Pelosi’s party certainly doesn’t provide a base of support for the Dream Act.
Fueling opposition is a concern that passage of the bill would encourage more illegal immigration in the future. The view is held by 68% of the nation’s voters. The Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 15% disagree and 17% are not sure. Seventy-six percent (76%) of Republicans, 76% of unaffiliated voters, and 55% of Democrats believe that passage of the Dream Act would encourage more illegal immigration in the future.
The Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey also found that just 16% of voters believe that the children of illegal immigrants should qualify for in-state tuition rates at colleges and universities. Seventy-one percent (71%) disagree.
Despite that Democrats are promising to try again during the lame duck session, after the midterms but before the newly elected or reelected Senators take their seats.
Reid is the second most unpopular congressional leader out of the top four congressional leaders, only beat in his unpopularity by Nancy Pelosi, who is not up for reelection this year.
That is the tip of the iceberg, so yes, by all means, let us all "remember" what Harry Reid has done, not only to Nevada, but to this country.
Reid has put his own political aspirations and career ahead of his electorate, he has show party loyalty above and beyond any type of loyalty to his constituents and as Senate Majority leader, this race does not just concern Nevadans but the whole country.
Now that he has ignored American voters, insulted them by passing legislation that they opposed as well as Nevadans opposed, he is now pleading with them to not kick his corrupt butt out of the Senate three weeks before midterm elections.
That is rich.
Hopefully Nevadans will pay just as much attention to his pleas as he did to theirs.
