A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state finds Angle with 50% to Reid’s 47%. Two percent (2%) prefer another candidate in the race, and one percent (1%) are undecided. (To see question wording, click here.)
The race remains a Toss-Up in the Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 Senate Balance of Power rankings.
A week ago, Angle held an insignificant 49% to 48% lead in a contest that has been marked for months by its closeness. In seven of eight surveys prior to this one since July, Reid and Angle have been three points apart or less. Both have hit the 50% mark one time.
The last poll, conducted by LVRJ/Mason-Dixon, had Angle ahead by 2 percent.
Angle has also managed to get late support as she raked in $14 million during her third quarter (July 1 to September 30).
Open Secrets explains how astounding a take that really is using comparisons:
But back to that $14 million. Just how big a figure is that? Well, consider this: Only seven candidates managed to raise more than $14 million during the entire 2008 election cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics’ research. According to Politico, only two federal-level candidates have raised more during a three-month cycle. They are Republican Rick Lazio, who raised $22 million in the third quarter of 2000 in a U.S. Senate campaign in New York against Democrat Hillary Clinton, and now-Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.), who raised $14.2 million during his race for U.S. Senate.
Angle and Reid's one and only debate resulted in almost every pundit and media outlet declaring Angle the big winner, even those that endorsed Harry Reid grudgingly admitted she won the debate handily.
Nevada is the one Senate race this election cycle that means the most across the country, not just important to Nevadans, because replacing Reid as Nevada's Senator also dumps him from his position as Senate Majority Leader, to which he has used and abused heavily over the last few years.