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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

ANP Hot News.....Around the Web

By Susan Duclos

Links to Hot News.... Around the Web, via All News PipeLine

CDC Confirms Patient In Dallas Has The Ebola Virus
Sierra Leone Cannot Account For Over 1,000 Ebola Patients
There Is Really No Way To Screen For Ebola At Airports
Will CDC Enact Emergency Measures After Ebola Confirmed In US
Obama's Pass-the-Buck Presidency

Fox News Nabs Historic Cable Ratings Victory

CDC Warns Funeral Homes In U.S. To Prepare For Ebola Victims

New Chinese Cruise Missiles 'Could Sink A 3,000 Ton Warship'

Nigerian Ebola Hoax Results in Two Deaths

NASA: Earth's 4th Largest Lake Almost Completely Dry

Jim Webb To Challenge Hillary?

GAI: Obama Misses Over Half Daily Intel Briefings

ISIS Threatens To Gas British Troops In Iraq

Coming Soon To The Library: Humanoid Robots
Secret Service Has Allowed 1,000 Security Lapses

Early Voting In Ohio Blocked

Dr. Ben Carson’s Dire Warning! 2016 Elections Cancelled – Obama ‘President For Life’!

By Live Free or Die - All News PipeLine

The story excerpted below from the Inquisitr should be enough to prove that NOT ONLY ‘conspiracy theorists’ are worried about NO ELECTIONS in 2016; potential Republican nominee for the Presidency Dr. Ben Carson is now warning that there will potentially be NO ELECTIONS in 2016 due to widespread anarchy breaking out across the country!

You can hear Dr. Carson’s warning himself in the newly released video report below where he begins talking about the 2016 elections at the 4 minute 18 second mark. Will NO ELECTIONS in 2016 mean the 1st US dictatorship, with Barack Obama ‘riding his dictatorial horse’ into DC, or will the capitol of the US be Denver by then?

Ben Carson, the 63-year-old neurosurgeon-turned-Tea-Party activist and Fox News commentator, is reportedly ready to throw his hat in the ring for the 2016 presidential race — but Carson hasn’t made up his mind yet, because he fears that the elections will be canceled as society falls apart and slips into a state of anarchy.
Carson first issued the dire warning in late August at a Republican fundraiser in Iowa — which, as the first state to cast ballots during primary season, is a frequent stop for aspiring presidential candidates.
At that time, Carson said that if the Republican Party fails to win back the Senate in the November 2014 mid-term elections, they could choose to cancel the presidential election in 2016 — presumably installing Barack Obama as president for life.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

ANP Hot News.....Around the Web

By Susan Duclos

Links to Hot News.... Around the Web, via All News PipeLine

The Collapse Of The American Economy Has Begun

Daily Water Allocation Could Be The Next CA Strategy

U.S. Counterinsurgency Operatives Deployed To Ukraine

Women Heard Screaming From Coffin After Being Buried Alive

US Threat To British Online Privacy

Russia Says Arctic Well Drilled With Exxon Strikes Oil

What Is The Pentagon’s Secret Space Drone Doing?

Ebola Pandemic In Africa Could Soon Be Coming To America

Spreading Respiratory Virus May Cause Polio-like Paralysis: CDC

MD Hospital To Care For US Doctor Exposed To Ebola

We Screwed Up On Ebola

Five Babies In Texas Test Positive For TB

Inventor Of World Wide Web Warns Of Threat To Internet

Left’s Pre-emptive Hits on Walker, Christie, & Perry

New Underwater Discoveries In Hunt For MH370

What Are They Hiding? It's "Rare" Yet In 40 States, Started in February And Still Spreading! This Stinks To High Heaven!

By Susan Duclos, via All News PipeLine

Something very bad is happening to children in the United States and while it is being reported on, those same reports are lying about it, as they are supposedly fact finding and claiming to provide information. EV 68 aka EV D8 (Eterovirus 68) is being called "rare," in almost every report from the mainstream media, as shown in the screen shots on just the first Google search page, where every single report mentions how "rare" it is.

Yet according to the latest update from the CDC, this mysteriously "rare" virus, is now in 40 states and that number is expected to rise, also according to the same update.

From mid-August to September 26, 2014, CDC or state public health laboratories have confirmed a total of 277 people from 40 states and the District of Columbia with respiratory illness caused by EV-D68. The 40 states are Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. This indicates that at least one case has been detected in each state listed but does not indicate how widespread infections are in each state.

CDC is prioritizing testing of specimens from children with severe respiratory illness. Of the specimens tested by CDC lab, about half have tested positive for EV-D68. About one third have tested positive for an enterovirus or rhinovirus other than EV-D68.

In the upcoming weeks, more states will have confirmed cases of EV-D68 infection.

Now let me highlight the most egregious lie, in the CDC's update, and what is being completely omitted from the mainstream media's reporting on the topic.

Some of the increase will be from new EV-D68 infections since people are more likely to get infected with enteroviruses in the summer and fall. We are currently in the middle of the enterovirus season.


Well, I direct your attention to reports from February and March 2014 and please note that "summer" doesn't start until June, so the highlighted, italicized quote from the CDC is a deliberate misdirection, a direct LIE.

National Geographic, February 27, 2014 "It's not polio—but news of five cases of a rare polio-like disease that has left five California children with one or more paralyzed limbs has riveted the public and stirred up worries and confusion. The children, all of whom had been successfully immunized against polio, range in age from 2 to 16, and their paralysis—which came on suddenly, as if out of nowhere—is apparently incurable."

Boston Globe, March 3, 2014 "California health officials last week announced that they had documented 20 to 25 recent cases of sudden paralysis in children that they believe are linked to a polio-like virus — but not caused by polio itself. While that sounds pretty frightening, paralysis caused by infectious diseases is quite rare.

Some, but not all, of the children tested positive for enterovirus-68, a respiratory virus that, in rare cases, has been associated with polio-like limb paralysis and breathing problems. The California children had all been vaccinated against polio, but not against enterovirus-68 which has no vaccine.

Do we see any media reports at all "informing" the public that not only is this virus not rare, but it also a problem that has been seen since February 2014, well before enterovirus season, or even linking the new reports of children suffering paralysis in Colorado, with the February and March reports of the very same thing?


Something seriously stinks about this whole issue and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the US government with the help of the MSM is hiding something from us. The question is "what are they hiding and why?"

Second video below from a previous EV 68 ANP article asking if WE created this monster! (Could this be what the government and MSM is hiding?)

Friday, September 26, 2014

ANP Hot News.....Around the Web

By Susan Duclos

Links to Hot News.... Around the Web, via All News PipeLine

Your 'New Normal' Life (In Pictures)

1 in 4 Americans 25-54 Not Working

EV 68 Causing Paralysis? Health Officials Investigating
* 'Volcanic Unrest' In Mammoth Lakes: 3 Dozen Quakes In 24 Hrs

Muslim Arrested in #Ferguson Threatened to Behead Critics

8 FL Schools Evacuated After Bomb Threats

Oklahoma Beheading Suspect Tried To Convert Others To Islam

Ferguson Erupts … Again: Protester Threatens Cops

BREAKING: Oklahoma City Woman Beheaded!

Canadian ISIL Member Says Attacks Coming to New York Soon

Arson Suspected At FAA Facility At O'Hare

Why Is Kansas Preparing For The Zombie Apocalypse?

Iraqi PM Says ISIS Plans Subway Attacks In U.S. and Paris

FBI Says It Has Identified 'Jihadi John'

Experts Warn: ISIS Threat From Immigration Reform

Iraq: Samira Salih al-Nuaimi murdered by ISIS - western *feminists* silent

*cross posted from Assoluta Tranquillita*

Do you know this woman?  She was murdered by the 'religion of peace' in Mosul this week.  Her crime?  According to Gulf Center for Human Rights, her slaughter"is solely motivated by her peaceful and legitimate human rights work, in particular defending the civil and human rights of her fellow citizens in Mosul."

From FOX News:

Female human rights activist killed by ISIS
September 25, 2014
BAGHDAD – Militants with the Islamic State group tortured and then publicly killed a human rights lawyer in the Iraqi city of Mosul after their self-proclaimed religious court ruled that she had abandoned Islam, the U.N. mission in Iraq said Thursday.
 Gunmen with the group's newly declared police force seized Samira Salih al-Nuaimi last week in a northeastern district of the Mosul while she was home with her husband and three children, two people with direct knowledge of the incident told The Associated Press on Thursday. Al-Nuaimi was taken to a secret location. After about five days, the family was called by the morgue to retrieve her corpse, which bore signs of torture, the two people said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of fears for their safety...


A statement by the U.N. on Thursday added that al-Nuaimi was tried in a so-called "Sharia court" for apostasy, after which she was tortured for five days before the militants sentenced her to "public execution."


Al-Nuaimi's death is the latest in a string of attacks by the militant group to silence female activists and politicians. In July in the nearby town of Sderat, militants broke into the house of a female candidate in the last provincial council elections, killed her and abducted her husband, the U.N. said.

 On the same day, another female politician was abducted from her home in eastern Mosul; she remains missing.

Hanaa Edwer, a prominent Iraqi human rights activist, said at least five female political activists have been killed in recent weeks by the Islamic State group in Mosul, including al-Nuaimi, who Edwer said was also running for a seat on the provincial council....

MUCH more here.

My question:  WHERE is the outrage?  Where are the msm raging headlines?  Where is Michelle Obama with her hashtag condemnation?  Most of all, WHERE are the public protests by Code Pink, National Organisation of (some) Women?

Only one other news outlet - yes, out of the UK - has even acknowledged this very real, deadly,  war on women. 

Michelle Obama and her husband?  Not a word from either of them, or David Cameron for that matter.

I wish I could say I am surprised at the worldwide silence as women and children continue to be tortured, murdered by the cowardly thugs of ISIS, but I am not.

I am so not surprised, since over the years I have watched with growing disgust as the pampered women of the west choose to remain silent about the ongoing atrocities against women living in muslim countries.

Not surprised at all, but beyond disgusted, as I read - almost on a weekly basis - of yet another woman whose only crime is wanting to live in freedom, (exercising the rights that western women take for granted) as they raise their children, their girls, in peace, with no fear from the terrorists in their midst.

I do not have the answers on how to solve this outrage, BUT I do know that as long as the west remains silent, the deadly war on women around the world will continue.

I long for a day when free, western women around the world take to the streets and denounce what is happening to innocent women like Samira Salih al-Nuaimi.  The list gets longer by the day of women and girls who are slaughtered by islamist murderers.

"Feminists"??????  I have another *f* word for them, and until, and unless, all so-called support groups for women speak out LOUDLY for their global sisters, they show themselves for what they, and their political 'leaders,' truly are:  hypocrites.

Iraqi girl - picture courtesy of Major Chris Galloway a few years back.. This picture, and many others like it, continue to haunt me. I often wonder if this girl is still alive.  I also think very often about all the little girls and women that our deployed Troops shared with me,  as our guys fought to ensure a real future for these girls...

When will the *feminists* and the politicians rise up from their safe, pampered lives and demand a stop to the war on  these girls and women?  Only then can women such as Samira truly rest in peace.

'First they came for the muslim women and girls..and I said nothing...'

Thursday, September 25, 2014

ANP Hot News.....Around the Web

By Susan Duclos

Links to Hot News.... Around the Web, via All News PipeLine

Drought Has 14 Communities On The Brink Of Waterlessness

WHO Ebola Road Map #5 - 6242 Cases 2909 Deaths

WebMD Has Received $13.9M to Promote Obamacare

U.S. Military's 21st Century Robots Of War - Video

Sierra Leone Quarantines 2 Million 

Powerful Earthquake Rattles Alaska

No More Foreplay: Russia Threatens European Gas Supply Disruptions

Russian draft law would allow seizure of foreign property

Judge denies DOJ delay request on release of 'Fast and Furious' docs...

Eric Holder To Step Down As Attorney General

Fight for Senate Control Down to Five States

CDC: Estimating the Future Number of Cases in the Ebola Epidemic

Report: U.S. Air Strike in Syria Kills Six Children, Zero ISIS Members

Sushi Lover's Entire Body Left Riddled With Worms

Obama Praises Muslim Cleric Who Backed Fatwa on Killing of U.S. Soldiers

Obama’s Breathtaking Naivete At The United Nations

German Ethics Council Calls to Legalize Incest

US Nurses Dire Danger And Death Warning To America

By Susan Duclos, via All News PipeLine


Excellent catch by Videographer Charles Walton of a Nurses Union protest in Las Vegas with direct quotes issued by the Planet Nurse at Planet Hollywood, where nurses took to the streets dressed in HAZMAT suits, holding signs in an attempt to bring the truth the American people, the same truth that many others have been warning about...... a warning of "danger and death," should Ebola hit the United States, making it clear from the very people that would be on the front line, quite literally, that US hospitals are NOT prepared for an Ebola outbreak and those claiming anything to the contrary are outright lying.

As Mashable reports, these nurses marched through Planet Hollywood Casino, the dropped to the ground in front of the Bellagio, pretending to be dead. Direct quote "Once on the ground, they outlined their bodies in chalk like a crime scene and wrote out the hashtag #StopEbolaRNRN." (More photos from the #StopEbolaRNRN twitter hashtag found here)

A study published earlier this month in scientific journal PLOS Currents, listed the top 16 countries at risk of being impacted by Ebola, including the United Kingdom, the U.S., Germany, and several African countries, such as Ghana and Nigeria. Ghana, the UK and Gambia had the greatest probability of seeing Ebola cases.

After Walton's commentary, the portion of the news clip dealing with the nurses protest that over 1,000 nurses participated in, starts at about the 5:15 minute mark.

Related: FEMA Ebola Death Camps Coming To America! - It's "Inevitable"

Eric Holder Resigning - Report: Scandal Ridden AG To Announce Resignation on Thursday

By Susan Duclos, via All News PipeLine

According to this breaking report at NPR, Eric Holder, one of the most controversial figures in the Obama administration is finally about to announce his resignation. From the Black Panther scandal to Fast and Furious, to the most recent screw up where his aide accidentally called Republican oversight committee chairman Darrell Issa's office to ask for help in "spinning" the IRS targeting scandal, to a high number of other controversial decisions, statements and actions, Holder has been encouraged to resign from almost the beginning of his tenure.

No doubt that at the moment there are many saying "about damn time.

Bizarre Ebola News! The Dead Rise In Liberia?

By Susan Duclos, via All news PipeLine

Two separate publications, The New Dawn and All Africa are reporting a very bizarre story of two women, from different communities, dying from the deadly Ebola virus and "resurrecting" before being taken to burial.

But to the amazement of residents and onlookers on Monday, the deceased reportedly regained life in total disbelief. The New Dawn Nimba County correspondent said the late Dorris Quoi of Hope Village Community and the second victim only identified as Ma Kebeh, said to be in her late 60s, were about to be taken for burial when they resurrected.

According to these reports, as news spread about these women rising from the dead created a panic in residents of the Hope Village Community, but scrolling down on The New Dawn Liberia article does give a clue as how something like this can happen and is perhaps even more horrifying than the original story, as a comment left states "I know more living beings are underground now fighting for their lives since Liberians don't properly confirm that someone is actually dead."

With just a little searching we see that hospitals and doctors in Liberia are overwhelmed, and scared to the point where patients are being turned away, whether they have Ebola or other issues, so it is easy to believe that perhaps they are not verifying death and these two women were not dead to begin with, but that does not explain the lack of information coming out about whether these two women were still sick after their "resurrection," or what their status is at the moment.

Two videos from YouTube are shown below, one from InfoWars and the other from DAHBOO777 on this bizarre report.

Your important Mission: Shine a porch light for a Fallen Hero

The children also Serve..and Sacrifice.

From The Leaf Chronicle:

Community asked to shine a light for fallen soldier

Philip Grey, The Leaf-ChronicleSeptember 24, 2014

On the first anniversary of his soldier father's death in Afghanistan, 6 year-old Darren Baysore is asking area residents to turn their porch lights on so his dad can see he's remembered

The child of a fallen Fort Campbell soldier has a request for the community, and it requires no money or extraordinary effort.

On Friday night, Sept. 26, the one-year anniversary of his father's death in Afghanistan, Darren Baysore, 6, wants everyone who can to turn their porch light on in memory of his father, Staff Sgt. Thomas Allen Baysore Jr. of Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team "Currahee," 101st Airborne Division.

He also wants people to post the pictures of their porchlights (or if they don't have one, a candlelight) and a note saying where they're posting from to a Facebook page called "Shining Love to Daddy Baysore,"

His mother, Jamie Baysore of Clarksville, explained the request.

"Tom and Darren used to look up at the night sky all the time, and his daddy would say, 'I love you to the moon and back.' He told him that again the night before he deployed.

"When we received the news that Tom had died in Afghanistan, Jamie turned the porch light on so his father could see it from the moon. That's where he believes his dad is. He wants Dad to know his son is sending his love."...

[H/T Maggie]
*cross posted from Assoluta Tranquillita*

ANP Hot News.....Around the Web

By Susan Duclos

Links to Hot News.... Around the Web, via All News PipeLine

Four Large Fireballs Reported Across United States

Liberia: Dead Ebola Patients Resurrect?

Red Cross Team Attacked While Burying Ebola Dead

The Clinton Team Is Following Reporters To The Bathroom

RuPaul Joins Drag Queens' Fight Against Facebook

China Says It Will Never Support Sanctions Against Russia

Gallup: 58% of Americans Want a Third Party

Another ISIS Beheading Video Appears Online

Wife: ISIS Hostage Pleaded For Life

U.S. Hospitals Unprepared To Handle Ebola Waste

Rosetta Spacecraft's Comet Target: 5 Strange Facts

These Photos Reveal The Grim Reality Of Ebola In Sierra Leone

Reporters: White House Demands Changes To Reports

Who Is The U.S. Actually Bombing In Syria?

Ebola Death Camps Unveiled In Liberia

Respiratory Illness Spreads To More Than Half Of U.S. States

FBI, DHS Go Full Scaremonger

U.S. Foreign Policy Created Many More Terrorists Than It Killed

New Wave Of Illegal Immigrant Kids Expected

Where is Obama’s “Authorization to Use Force” in Iraq

Conspiracy To Destroy Rush Limbaugh Is Small, Organized, Deceptive

US Carrying Out Vast Majority Of ISIS Strikes: US Military

ISIS Warns Of 'Gulf War 3' - New Video With British Hostage

Ebola Could Become A ‘Permanent Human Feature’, WHO Warns

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

MUST WATCH video: MY ISIS strategy

Bring on the disproportional response..

Remember when Presidents actually were presidential, and believed in the honour of protecting American lives?  Yeah, me too.

Take a look at this video from what used to be one of my favourite tv shows, sent to me by one of my favourite people.

 THIS is what we need...NOW!!!