West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin (D), who is in a tough fight for a Senate seat, said Monday he'd support repealing the healthcare reform law if it can't be fixed.
Manchin, who's been falling behind in his race against Republican John Raese, said he supports repealing part of the bill but would support repealing all of it if a partial repeal doesn't fix its problems.
"The president's plan — 'Obamacare,' as it's been called — is far too reaching. It's overreaching. It needs to have a lot of it repealed," Manchin said Monday on Fox News. "If you can't fix that, repeal the whole thing."
The problem here, in a nutshell, is that the law should never have been passed as is, the "fixing" is supposed to happen as it is being written and debated, negotiated, compromises being made so that when it is passed it is a good bill.
That never happened, debate was limited by political leaders determined to pass a law, any law called Health care, backroom deals were made to obtain the votes needed to get it passed and some lawmakers even admitted they hadn't read the entire law before voting to pass it.
"I don’t think you want me to waste my time to read every page of the health care bill. You know why? It’s statutory language. We hire experts." ---Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont
Back to Joe Manchin, during a March 15 panel on health care at the National Governors Association in Washington, Manchin was asked "If you were a House member ... and you've got your choice: vote up on the Senate bill or vote down on the Senate bill, how do you vote?"
His answer?
"I'd be for it. You have to move this ball forward. ... I have never, since I've been in the legislative process, and since I have been governor, I have never got a perfect bill."
So, before desperation kicked in, Manchin admitted he would have voted for a bill that he now says needs to be fixed or completely repealed.
Is it any wonder that the latest polls show Republican challenger John Raese, leading in the polls against Manchin?
PPP (D)- Raese up by 3.
Rasmussen- Raese up by 6.
Like rats jumping off the sinking ship called Obamacare, Manchin joins the rest of the vulnerable Democrats in his pathetic attempts to distance himself from what he once proclaimed his support of.