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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Embedded Letter Asserting Obama's Executive Privilege On Fast and Furious Documents

By Susan Duclos

Eric Holder's letter requesting that Obama assert Executive Privilege over Fast and Furious Documents that the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee had issued a subpoena for, found here.

The original article on Obama asserting that privilege found here, along with a video of Obama from 2007 claiming Executive Privilege should not be used to withhold information from Congress.

 Below is a embeddable copy of the letter sent to the House Chairman asserting Executive Privilege on the Fast and Furious documents, sent on the day the Committee is scheduled to vote to hold Eric Holder in Contempt of Congress, in an attempt to forestall the Contempt vote.

Executive Privilege Letter

[Update] Oversight Committee page on Fast and Furious investigation.