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Thursday, February 07, 2008

Weighing in on Romney's Withdrawal

For many days now, since the departure of Fred Thompson from the race,
I have been studying the other options left open to us in the other

This is what the primaries are for, for the elimination of all but the
top contender for the party to be placed against the top party of the

Roger so eloquently wrote the other day about the battle between good
and evil that we are engaged in in our war against the terrorist
threats that have attacked our nation. He's absolutely right. We are
in a war for our very existence, whether we realize it or not, or
choose to accept that as reality.

A is A, it cannot be anything but A, or it would be a contradiction,
and we all know that I have been saying for some time that
contradictions cannot exist. A thing either is or it is not. We are in
a war facing an evil that wishes to see our destruction.

Cassy, I will agree with you that John McCain is an egoist. I
recognize that quality full and well as I have also been called one
myself, and rightly so. Perhaps it was that ego, that drive of will,
that drove him to survive years of torture and abuse as a prisoner of
war in Vietnam. That experience alone does not qualify him for the
Presidency, true, nor am I particularly thrilled with any candidate
who has no experience in the world of business/industry.

That being said: I can not stand idly by and allow either of two other
candidates whom I consider to be equally evil to be elected into the
leadership of our nation, especially when one of them has a blatant
and recorded history of animosity and vitriol aimed AT our nation's
armed forces.

In my mind, I still consider Fred Thompson to have been THE candidate
who would have brought balance and leadership into the White House,
something we are in desperate need of as a nation. For whatever
reasons, and we can speculate from sun up until sun down next year on
the reasons his campaign didn't take off, but the fact remains that it
did not. A is A. It is my opinion, based upon research and
exploration, ergo, information, that the two candidates from the other
side are in collusion with the forces of evil that would see us
destroyed, either by overt or covert action; direct or indirect action.

If we are to survive, we must do what we must do in order to keep evil
out of the White House, out of the Presidency.

McCain, despite his shortcomings on many other issues, does recognize
that we are in a war for our survival.

I will vote in the general elections, and if McCain is the front
runner, my vote will be for him.

It is what it is, no more, no less.

Once and Always, an American Fighting Man
