Cross Posted from Miss Beth's Victory Dance
This came to me from two separate sources: Family Security Matters AND CAII. This information is worth its weight in PLATINUM--so use it!
If you have an email program where you can mail "groups", I would personally suggest putting all these names in a group, draft an email, and then hit send about every 1/2 hour. They will definitely get the hint you haven't forgotten what they're trying to do to you, which is screw you over--your voice WILL be heard, loud and clear.
Author: FSM Editorial Staff
Source: The Family Security Foundation, Inc.
Date: June 26, 2007
Here is a list of the 12 "fence-sitter" Senate contacts for EVERYONE to email regarding immigration. Many offices are putting calls straight to voicemail and they can just trash faxes that are being sent (and letters take weeks to get through due to security).
Let’s hit the Hill staff where they are so codependent - their Blackberries! Send email directly to staff - not just the generic Senate office mailbox. Contact their Chief of Staff, Legislative Director, and Press Secretary. Make your voice heard!!
Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM)
Chief of Staff: stephen_ward@bingaman.senate.gov
Legislative Director: trudy_vincent@bingaman.senate.gov
Counsel: sunalei_stewart@bingaman.senate.gov
Press Secretary/Communications Director: jude_mccartin@bingaman.senate.gov
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Chief of Staff: laura_schiller@boxer.senate.gov
Legislative Director: polly_trottenberg@boxer.senate.gov
Press Secretary/Communications Director: natalie_ravitz@boxer.senate.gov
Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND)
Chief of Staff: bob_van_heuvelen@conrad.senate.gov
Legislative Director: tom_mahr@conrad.senate.gov
Press Secretary/Communications Director: chris_thorne@conrad.senate.gov
Senator Carl Levin (D-MI)
Chief of Staff: david_lyles@levin.senate.gov
Legislative Director: rich_arenberg@levin.senate.gov
Press Secretary/Communications Director: tara_andringa@levin.senate.gov
Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE)
Chief of Staff: tim_becker@bennelson.senate.gov
Legislative Director: christiana_gallagher@bennelson.senate.gov
Press Secretary/Communications Director: david_dimartino@bennelson.senate.gov
Senator Jim Webb (D-VA)
Chief of Staff: paul_reagan@webb.senate.gov
Legislative Director: mike_sozan@webb.senate.gov
Press Secretary/Communications Director: jessica_smith@webb.senate.gov
Senator Kit Bond (R-MO)
Chief of Staff: brian_klippenstein@bond.senate.gov
Legislative Director: kara_smith@bond.senate.gov
Communications Director: shana_marchio@bond.senate.gov
Senator Richard Burr (R-NC)
Chief of Staff: alicia_peterson-clark@burr.senate.gov
Legislative Director: natasha_hickman@burr.senate.gov
Press Secretary/Communications Director: laura_caudell@burr.senate.gov
Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS)
Chief of Staff: jenny_manley@cochran.senate.gov
Legislative Director: ta_hawks@cochran.senate.gov
Press Secretary: margaret_wicker@cochran.senate.gov
Senator John Ensign (R-NV)
Chief of Staff: john_lopez@ensign.senate.gov
Legislative Director: pam_thiessen@ensign.senate.gov
Press Secretary/Communications Director: tory_mazzola@ensign.senate.gov
Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH)
Chief of Staff: joel_maiola@gregg.senate.gov
Legislative Director: nancy_perkins@gregg.senate.gov
General Counsel: christopher_gahan@gregg.senate.gov
Press Secretary/Communications Director: erin_rath@gregg.senate.gov
Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
Chief of Staff: patricia_knight@hatch.senate.gov
Legislative Director: jace_johnson@hatch.senate.gov
Deputy LD: chris_campbell@hatch.senate.gov
Counsel: bill_castle@hatch.senate.gov
Press Secretary/Communications Director: peter_carr@hatch.senate.gov
They can take their phones off the hooks: they can erase voice mails; they can toss faxes, letters take forever to get through security--but today's technology, we can FILL THEIR EMAILS. Get the word out! Spread everywhere you can!
John Ensign deserves "special attention"--listening to Hugh Hewitt's show today (06/27/2007), a constituent of his called in to report the treatment she received at the hands of his office. She was polite, followed the agreed upon "script" if you will of firm but polite--she was challenged as to whether or not she had read the bill. When she said she had read parts of it but not all, she was told to, basically (I can't remember the exact wording) stay out of politics, let Ensign do his job as he saw fit--and THEN ENSIGN'S OFFICE HUNG UP ON HER!!!
**This was a production of The Coalition Against IllegalImmigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at- gmail-dot- com and let us know atwhat level you would like to participate.