This election is being held in Florida in congressional district 19. This is just as tough as Massachusetts was and probably even more so. If the Republican candidate, Edward Lynch, does not get some support and money immediately, the conventional wisdom will be right. People, this race is doable because the health care bill is still fresh in everyone's minds especially in Florida where it is extremely unpopular right along with its major supporter. The Democrat candidate has this little gem on his website:
Dear Friends, Last night, Congress made history by passing health care reform legislation that expands access to affordable coverage to 32 million more Americans. When President Obama signs this historic reform bill into law, the residents of Florida's 19th district will immediately begin to reap its benefits.
The Republican candidate has this to say about that:
First, let me state that I do believe that we need to make sure that every LEGAL American citizen has access to the best healthcare system in the world and that it is affordable for everyone. Let me also state that, after reading the bills that are being considered, if the healthcare plan was a good plan, I would let you know that. That being said, the proposals set forth in the house (HR 3200) and in the senate are very bad for
Given that this district has double the national average of senior citizens in it and in Florida those same citizens are opposed to Obama Care by a 65-25 margin, all we can say is: CHARGE. Send money right now to If you live in Southern Florida's east coast, go here: Obviously the national Democrats did not get the message Massachusetts sent them so let's send them another one from Florida. Here is everything you need to know about this district:
Florida 19 House District
Democrat Sen. Ted Deutch
Republican Edward Lynch (foreground)
Florida 19 House District
Almost one-third of the adult population in this district are 65 or older and they are very annoyed about Obama Care passing according to a poll taken by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research. An article in the Miami Herald entitled Florida poll: Healthcare law hurts Obama, Democrats says this:
Only 34 percent of Florida voters support the new law while 54 percent are against it, according to the poll. Opposition is significantly strong among two crucial blocs: those older than 65 and voters with no party affiliation. Seniors disfavor the bill by a 65-25 percent margin, while independents oppose the law 62-34.
The poll, conducted last week, is the first to be taken in Florida since Obama signed the healthcare reform bill into law.
It shows that Floridians have a more negative than positive view of Obama by a margin of 15 percentage points. And they oppose his so-called ``cap-and-trade'' global warming legislation as well as the new healthcare law.
This being the case, this district is suddenly very definitely in play although we still have to rate it as only possible if the Republican candidate gets a lot of support and money very soon.The Republican primary for this special election has chosen this candidate:
Ed Lynch (R) - Building Contractor & '08 Nominee
His website is Edward Lynch for Congress.
#17.69% | 31.5% | Leans D | Safe D | Safe D | Safe D |
Nov 04, 2008 |
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Nov 07, 2006 |
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Nov 02, 2004 |
Here are the demographics for this District:
Cities in Florida 19
State | District | 65 or Older | White | Black | Latino | HS Grad | Coll 4Yr | Median HH Income | Poverty Level |
United States | 16.7% | 74.3% | 12.3% | 15.1% | 84.5% | 27.4% | 52,175 | 13.2% | |
Florida | 19 | 32.8% | 79.6% | 10.7% | 18.0% | 88.4% | 30.3% | 51,018 | 9.1% |