By Susan Duclos
Wake up America's main page will show support with the 7,000 plus sites blacking out on January 18, 2012, in protest against proposed legislation in the United States — the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the U.S. House of Representatives, and PROTECTIP (PIPA) in the U.S. Senate. This legislation, if passed, will harm the free and open Internet and bring about new tools for censorship of international websites inside the United States.
If you live in the United States, find your elected representative in Washington (https://www.eff.org/sopacall).
Blogger has not offered a plugin to blackout the whole site, so all posts written on January 18, 2012, until 8pm, will be shown on a separate page and this message will be the only one listed on the main page of the site.
Reddit has a comprehensive FAQ page on SOPA for those that have not been keeping up with the issue.
Related posts about this blackout:
SOPA Opponents Win A Victory As DNS Provision Pulled
List Of 60 Sites Joining The Reddit Blackout In Protest Of SOPA/PIPA
Site Statement: English Wikipedia to go dark January 18 in opposition to SOPA/PIPA
(This post will be bumped to the top, via time stamp changes of the page throughout the hours 8am-8pm throughout the day of January 18, 2012)