While CNN and other reports say that sources tell them Rick Perry will be dropping out of the GOP race for the presidential nomination and will be endorsing Newt Gingrich, it appears that Gingrich is already apprised of the situation and has message via Twitter "Honored to have the support of Gov. Perry. I humbly ask his supporters to join our campaign so we can defeat Obama. "

With Newt Gingrich closing in on Mitt Romney in the South Carolina polls and only three percentage points behind Romney nationwide in the latest Rasmussen poll, on top of today's huge news that Romney did not win the Iowa caucuses and in fact ended up behind Rick Santurum, after certification, by 34 votes, the media push to make Romney the "inevitable" GOP nominee, has taken some major blows.
Via The Politico, we see Romney up seven points in South Carolina unless voters are asked to volunteer the name of a candidate they will vote for without prompting, then Gingrich stays within two points of Romney.
Gingrich has momentum: When voters are asked to volunteer the name of the candidate they plan to vote for without being prompted by a list of names to choose from, Romney’s lead over Gingrich slips to 31 percent to 29 percent. Among those who say they will “definitely” support their candidate of choice, the two are essentially tied, with Romney at 23 percent and Gingrich at 22 percent.
Gingrich's second surge in the polls might very well be the reason behind the new line of attacks coming out against him regarding personal information from a previous marriage.
As a Perry supporter, I am sorry his campaign did not do better than it has, but with the dwindling poll numbers, he is obviously doing what he believes is best for the Republican party as a whole.
For that I salute him.
[Update] Perry: "I am suspending my campaign and endorsing Newt Gingrich for president of the United States."
[Update] Newt's full statement on Perry endorsement, via email:
“I am humbled and honored to have the support of my friend Rick Perry. His selflessness is yet another demonstration of his deep sense of citizenship and commitment to the cause of limited government, historic American values and greater freedom for every American.
“Governor Perry will continue to be a leader for the cause of conservatism, especially for more American energy and for implementing the 10th Amendment across the country.
“South Carolinians have a chance this Saturday to nominate a bold Reagan conservative who will offer a dramatic contrast with President Obama this fall in the general election.
“I ask the supporters of Governor Perry to look at my record of balancing the budget, cutting spending, reforming welfare, and enacting pro-growth policies to create millions of new jobs and humbly ask for their vote