From Bloomberg:
Democratic-controlled Congress, acknowledging that it isn't equipped to lead the way to a solution for the financial crisis and can't agree on a path to follow, is likely to just get out of the way.
Lawmakers say they are unlikely to take action before, or to delay, their planned adjournments -- Sept. 26 for the House of Representatives, a week later for the Senate. While they haven't ruled out returning after the Nov. 4 elections, they would rather wait until next year unless Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, who are leading efforts to contain the crisis, call for help.
One reason, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said yesterday, is that ``no one knows what to do'' at the moment.
McCain's response was quick and it should be made into an ad immediately.
Those same Congressional leaders who give Senator Obama his marching orders are now saying that this mess isn't their fault and they aren't going to take any action on this crisis until after the election. Senator Obama's own advisers are saying that crisis will benefit him politically. My friends, that is the kind of me-first, country-second politics that are broken in Washington. My opponent sees an economic crisis as a political opportunity instead of a time to lead. Senator Obama isn't change, he's part of the problem with Washington.
Anyone still want to argue that the Democrats care one iota about the country in comparison to how much they care about Obama's career?
I have said it once, I have said it again and I will repeat, this is why the Democratically controlled congress has reached the lowest level of approval in the 35 year history of polling for congressional approval.
This is also why the U.S. Congress holds the lowest confidence rating among all US institutions.

I haven't seen Obama comment yet about the Congress and Senate's plans...maybe because he feels his career should come before the country as well.
More from AP.