I really don't have anything else to say about them but if you are one of those people that didn't hear all about them in 2008, there are plenty of people discussing it today again.
The New Republic: TNR Exclusive: A Collection of Ron Paul's Most Incendiary Newsletters
Discussions: The Daily Dish, Outside the Beltway and GOP 12
Reuters: In ad for newsletter, Ron Paul forecast “race war”
Discussions: Talking Points Memo, The Hill, Outside the Beltway, A Blog For All, The Politico, The Daily Caller, Campaign 2012, Riehl World View, americanthinker.com, iOwnTheWorld.com, Questions and Observations, ABCNEWS, Catholic Bandita, Weasel Zippers, Hot Air, The Right Scoop, CBS News, Little Green Footballs, Doug Ross, The New Republic and msnbc.com
Headlines and discussion via Memeorandum.
Watch Paul discuss his newsletters in 1995 via C-SPAN below:
December 21, 2011: Rep. Ron Paul Gets Irked By Newsletter Questions, Walks Out Of CNN Interview- Watch Below
There you go, your obligatory Ron Paul Newsletter piece for 2011.