By now many have heard of Pastor Terry Jones from Dove World Outreach Center who is planning an event on 9/11 which includes burning Korans. This has sparked controversy around the world and has been in the news for days now.
Sarah Palin made a statement, via Facebook, that captures the essence of the debate.
Book burning is antithetical to American ideals. People have a constitutional right to burn a Koran if they want to, but doing so is insensitive and an unnecessary provocation – much like building a mosque at Ground Zero.
You can read the whole thing there, but this captures the point entirely.
Those that stand up for the right of planners to build a Mosque near Ground Zero should be fighting just as intensely for Jones's right to burn the Koran publicly.
Those that feel it is extremely disrespectful and insensitive for a Mosque, a place where Allah is worshiped, to be close to a place where, in the name of Allah, 3,000 human beings were slaughtered, should also be against Jones and his Koran burning event, for the same exact reasons.
I am in the latter group, believing that both the Mosque builders and Jones have the legal right to do what they are planning, but just because someone has a legal right to something, does not make doing it the right thing.
What does amaze me though is the outrage shown against Jones by the very same people that stand behind the Ground Zero mosque, not even noticing their own hypocrisy in doing so.
BREAKING: Qu'ran Burning Church Linked To Westboro Baptist Church-UPDATED