Humiliating to be a Democrat today for sure, especially when one Democratic lawmaker invites a comedian to testify before congress and another Democrat asks him to leave and simply submit his testimony in writing.
The Politico gives flavor to the not-so-funny comedy that embarrassed Democratic lawmakers.
He promptly returned the favor by turning Congress — specifically a Judiciary subcommittee — into his personal comedy club.
Colbert delighted in asking whether he could "submit video of my colonoscopy into the Congressional Record," talking about getting a Chilean to give him a "Brazilian" wax — a delicate-area hair-removal procedure. And he apologized to Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) for using the term "cornpacker" because it is "an offensive term for gay Iowans."
While Colbert might have killed it for his "nation" of TV followers, he bombed with political strategists and analysts in both parties.
For a Democratic majority that has had difficulty demonstrating to voters that its policies are addressing their needs, Colbert provided another day off message and, perhaps, an emblem of a party that has lost its footing as it limps toward a preelection adjournment.
David Corn, who writes for the liberal Mother Jones magazine, tweeted "Colbert is making a mockery of this hearing."
The Fix provides more one liners from Colbert.
"Maybe this bill would help," he said. "I'm not sure; like most members of Congress, I haven't read it."
Headlines are highlighting Colbert's Congressional Comedic Chaos and I am sure Democrats would prefer the whole episode be forgotten, yet I have visions of much of this being used in video coverage for Republicans campaigning against Democrats to show how much of a mockery the Democratically controlled Congress has become.
Some headlines:
Colbert embarrasses Dems; Conyers asks comedian to leave
Colbert appearance causes mixed feelings
Colbert serious, sarcastic in hearing
Stephen Colbert cracks jokes at Capitol Hill hearing
More headlines and discussions found at Memeorandum.
The clowns are definitely running the show these days.