Ah, it is 2010, and it may make Bengal fans happy, the year of the Tiger is at hand. So, superstitions abound this time of year. Let's explore some. I'll start with the argument of whether or not it is a decade. Depending on your own perspective, the decade may, or may not start at the beginning of any year ending with zero. It is a long time debate. You can take a poll if you wish.
I could care less, was my choice.
I changed my calendar today, from my "Liberals Gone Wild" to "The Heritage Foundation". They still list Washington, and Lincolns' birthdays on the right day.
How about real myth and facts? Did you eat anything today to promise prosperity? Where I live now, it is saurkraut and pork. (sounds a bit familiar to our current administration) But where I am from, it was always black eyed peas.
How about the stories of the year? Some were very strange, some funny, and some just plain gut wrenching! Here is a funny one. (ladies, chill)
How about the stories of the year? Some were very strange, some funny, and some just plain gut wrenching! Here is a funny one. (ladies, chill)
(Jan. 1) -- The job market is so bad these days, even the man reputed to have
the world's largest penis can't find work.
Read it all here:
Surely the year of the Tiger should end with Woods? Maybe 2009 was it. AT&T thinks so.
Now, politics in 2010, according to my favorite idiot, David Corn.
2009 was fun, informative, eyeopening to say the least. And as much as I hate to wish my life away. I am damn glad it is over with. Have fun today, tomorrow, we get back to work!