CNN Political Ticker tells of a 'national strike' idea that has been spoken about by Tea Party organizers, but they aren't thinking big enough, so below is the news of what they are planning, below that, a better idea:
Some Tea Party activists from across the country are planning a 'national strike' on January 20, the one-year anniversary of President Barack Obama's inauguration.The idea of holding an economic protest sprung up during the holidays as the result of a conference call held by various Tea Party group leaders, according to Allen Hardage, a conservative grassroots organizer from Georgia.
"Tea Party activists are frustrated that despite a huge turnout over the last year Congress is ignoring them," says Hardage, who is national operations director for the planned strike. "The question is that if the elected officials ignore you, what do you do to exercises your right to self-governance? So we decided to hold a National Day of Strike where we go after the large donors of the people pushing this radical agenda."
Hardage says the idea of the one-day strike is to focus attention on the businesses that support the most liberal members of Congress as well as groups that advocate "big government" policies.
But Hardage says the move will not be a boycott: "Here we are exposing the agenda of some of the most widely known companies in America and letting the consumer decide. If a corporation decides to jump into politics to the tune of millions of dollars, then they need to expect that they will alienate some of their customers."The strike is being promoted online through the organizers' Web site through Web sites of various Tea Party groups and on social networking sites.
The problem here is the Tea Party organizers are not thinking big enough, if the Tea Party truly wants to make a statement, really wants an "economic protest', then you do not target the businesses that support liberals, you shut everything down for a day, or better yet a week.
A Tea Party Strike where no one works for the day/week, at all.
This idea was mentioned to me not long ago by someone who said to imagine stores closed, airlines without enough workers to make flights, gas sales down because people are not driving to work, food sales down because folks are not ordering out for lunch at work, etc... a true day or week where America basically stands still, or as close as you can get with all members of the Tea Party participating as well as the plurality (41 percent according to a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll) of Americans that see the Tea Party as a positive force in today's political arena.
If the Tea Party wants to make a statement, wants the politicians to finally hear our voices and feel our pain, then hit them where it hurts them the most, their pocketbook, or better yet, America's pocketbook.
A day would catch the attention of our political leaders..... a week would capture the attention of the world.
Then they will start listening.