Ron Christie over at The Hill's Pundits Blog headlines with "Amateur hour is over," and goes into detail about a few of the things this administration has done that there is no excuse for, but Christie places the blame squarely on everybody else and not Obama.
Enough is enough. There was a time when the amateur hour that has characterized the behavior of the staff in the Obama White Hour over the past year could be chalked up to innocent inexperience. Now that behavior is nothing short of dangerous and President Barack Obama is being ill served by those by those closest around him: Mr. Cool must lose his cool and fire those staff members who have failed their president and failed their nation.
You can go read that nonsense for yourself, but the bottom line is Barack Obama chose these people, Barack Obama is the top dog and ultimately responsible for the decisions of those he chose for the jobs.
The Buck stops at Barack Obama and newsflash for Mr. Christie, "Amateur hour" has three more years to go, it isn't over by a long shot.