If that is indeed the case, then Barack Obama is already way behind with a September Quinnipiac University poll showing that 57 percent of Florida voters disapprove of Obama's job performance with only 39 percent approving.
53 percent believe Obama does not deserve a second term.
Obama's Florida numbers are worse than his national numbers. IBD/TIPP's polling, in October 2011, shows that by a 51 percent to 41 percent margin the majority of Americans also do not think Obama should be reelected.
According to Democratic leaning Democracy Corps, in October, 53 percent of registered voters disapprove of Obama with 42 percent registering "strong" disapproval. 40 percent approve with only 21 percent listed as "strong" approval.
If Biden is right and Florida is a must-win for Obama's reelection chances then he is in worse shape that previously thought.
Biden also told the crowd he would be concentrating on Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Hampshire and Iowa along with Florida.
In Pennsylvania, according to a Franklin and Marshall College poll, 52 percent of Pennsylvania voters say they do not want Barack Obama reelected with 41 percent thinking he deserves a second term.
In Ohio, via an October 2011 Quinnipiac University Poll, 51 percent of Ohio voters disapprove of Obama's job performance with 43 percent approving and by a 49 percent to 44 percent margin they do not believe Obama deserves a second term.
In New Hampshire an October 2011 WMUR Granite State Poll, 53 percent of New Hampshire adults disapprove of how Obama is handling his job with 41 percent approving.
In Iowa, the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion found for October that Obama is underwater with just 42 percent of registered voters in Iowa approving of the job Obama is doing in office while 47 percent disapprove.
These are the states that Joe Biden are going to focus on.
Now, if you were Barack Obama and you were underwater in all these states, would you choose to have Joe Biden, the man who just this month was asked if the Republican party was strong enough for it's nominee to beat Obama in 2012 and he answered "Oh, absolutely! Absolutely, it’s strong enough to beat both of us....", (video of Biden at that link)would you trust him to concentrate on those states to help garner support for your reelection campaign?