Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is the best known and most positively rated of five possible contenders for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. Her 76% favorable rating among Republicans is higher than those for Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Bobby Jindal.

In a matchup against a Democratic contender, Palin still has work to do to with the general population, although Public Policy Polling, a left leaning polling site, does show Palin and Barack Obama tied at 46 percent.
The 2012 general presidential election aside, the nomination of Sarah Palin as the GOP nominee, considering it is Republicans that will decide who their nominee is, looks pretty impressive for Palin.
Palin has the strongest name identification and positives among Republicans at this juncture. Only 4% say they don't know enough about her to have an opinion, and, by more than 3-to-1, those opinions are positive rather than negative.
Sarah Palin seems to incite either very positive or very negative reactions across the blogosphere but it seems the more negative the comments from Palin haters, the more support Palin receives from her supporters and from those on the fence, so to speak.
Palin is truly the wild card in the upcoming 2012 elections and while she has not stated whether she will definitely be a contender or not, should she throw her hat into that ring, there is a very good possibility that she would walk away with the GOP nomination.