Washington, DC. is the last stop for the Tea Party Express, today April 15, 2010 and as news comes out, I will link the stories, articles, post photos as they come out as well as any news.
The Free Republic started the day out with the first thing in the morning shot and live thread for the day.

AP with "Tea party ending tour in capital it loves to hate"
Dems Admit Tea Party Power? See for yourself, video below;
Michelle Malkin, yesterday with more fakery planned from the left.
Fear does strange things to people, huh?
[Update] St. Louis Globe- Democrat piece titled "Tea Party Express marks Tax Day with rally."
Early arrivals attended a meeting in which leaders of the Tea Party movement urged conservative activists to get involved in this year's congressional elections, USA Today reported.
"We are laying the groundwork for a 2010 victory," said Mark Williams of the Tea Party Express.
Meeting participants got a list of "Tea Party targets," led by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, as well as a list of Tea Party darlings. Even though all of the targets are Democrats and all of the heroes are Republicans, Williams said the reasons behind the listings are ideological, not partisan.
"Please don't tell me I'm a Republican tool," he told the newspaper.
The Tea Party Express traveled to 47 cities across the United States, finishing its tour in Washington on Tax Day.
Federal Election Commission filings indicate the Tea Party Express' political action committee, Our Country Deserves Better, raised more than $3 million, USA Today reported.

[Update] Tea Party Express produces their list of targets in the 2010 elections
Senate Targets:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada
Senator Barbara Boxer of California
Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania
Senator Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas
House Targets:
Rep.Betsy Markey of Colorado
Alan Grayson of Florida)
Baron Hill of Indiana
Barney Frank of Mass.
Dina Titus of Nevada
House Budget Committee Chairman John Spratt of South Carolina
Tom Perriello of Virginia
Gerry Connolly of Virginia
Alan Mollohan of Virginia.
More in the media about today's Tea Party rally.
Fox with "Tea Parties' Tax Day Message"
A movement that has only grown stronger, even while facing adversity, over the past year will not go away over the next six months. The message to politicians in Washington, in state capitals, and local seats of power is clear: November is coming. And if you don’t discover and deliver fiscal responsibility, November is coming for you.
Lacrosse Tribune.com headlines "Thousands at State Capitol for taxpayer 'tea party'"
Thousands gathered at the State Capitol this morning for the start of a taxpayer tea party.
Yellow "Don't Tread on Me" flags were surrounded by signs reading "November is coming" and "Taxed Enough Already Party."
Rada Nedovic of Racine said she came because the health care reform bill passed recently "stinks." Nedovic said she lived in Communist-run Yugoslavia and "knows what it's like when government gets into health care."
CBS reports with "Tea Partiers Rally in Washington for Tax Day"
On a sun-splashed day and serenaded by patriotic songs, the protesters streamed to a plaza near the White House to hear exhortations against the political order. The slogans were biting, sometimes raw: "We Want Regime Change," "Save a Seal, Club a Liberal," "Down with the Gov't Takeover," "End the Fed" and "Waterboard Bernanke." Some American flags waved upside down in the breeze.

More links will be added through the day, so check back often!