Gateway Pundit brings us the details of how the French Press is having a field day with this.
No Pasaran has more on the bizarre letter to Chirac.
French newspaper Le Figaro is horrified at the faux pas. And, current French President Sarkozy was appparently upset with the letter.
Europumas and Free Republic has the latest:Now Obama has insulted French President Sarkozy!
Oh no! Obama sent a letter to Chirac, saying he looks forward to working with him the next four years. Le Figaro, French newspaper is horrified at the faux pas. Doesn't Obama ever consult his staff before acting? Sarkozy is the President there! It's like Sarko writing to George Bush and saying he looks forward to working with him. Chirac is the FORMER president.
When Obama managed to offend Gordon Brown, a phone immediately went out, with a press release from the White House, explaining the two had spoken, so I wonder when the next press release will be issued informing us that Obama has spoken to Sarkozy and everything is just fine and dandy.
Cute French cartoon about this by Herve Baudry, via The Atlanticist.

Other bloggers are having a little fun with this, see their reactions over at Memeorandum.