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Friday, March 29, 2013

Planned Parenthood Endorses Post-Birth Abortion Of Living, Breathing Child, After Botched Abortion

By Susan Duclos

The video below is of testimony given by Alisa Laport Snow, the lobbyist representing the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, where she is clear that it is Planned Parenthood's position that if a baby survives a botched abortion, then the "woman, her family, and the physician," should then be able to decide whether that child struggling for life, should be given medical attention to save the living, breathing, child's life.

Via TWS:

"So, um, it is just really hard for me to even ask you this question because I’m almost in disbelief," said Rep. Jim Boyd. "If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that is struggling for life?”

"We believe that any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician," said Planned Parenthood lobbyist Snow.

Rep. Daniel Davis then asked Snow, "What happens in a situation where a baby is alive, breathing on a table, moving. What do your physicians do at that point?”

"I do not have that information," Snow replied. "I am not a physician, I am not an abortion provider. So I do not have that information.”

Rep. Jose Oliva followed up, asking the Planned Parenthood official, "You stated that a baby born alive on a table as a result of a botched abortion that that decision should be left to the doctor and the family. Is that what you’re saying?”

Again, Snow replied, “That decision should be between the patient and the health care provider.”

Video below:

Words fail.