According to the CNN article, 52 percent blame the Bush administration and 32 percent blame the Obama administration.
Yesterday though, Joe Biden, said "Even though 50-some percent of the American people think the economy tanked because of the last administration, that's not relevant. What's relevant is we're in charge."
As you will hear in the audio below, Biden also said that 2012 was going to be a "choice" about the economy. A "referendum on Obama and Biden."
As was just written on a previous piece, according to Gallup, 48 percent of Americans believe Republicans will do "a better job" of keeping the country prosperous" with 39 percent thinking Democrats would do a better job.
Americans also favored Republicans by 7 percentage points (44% to 37%) on the issue they think is the top issue facing the country, jobs/unemployment.
Topping off that bad polling news and Biden's unfortunate (for the Obama administration) honesty, we see the Bureau of Economic Analysis reporting today that personal income decreased in August for the first time in over a year. (H/T Hot Air)
Question to ponder: Is the U.S. economy tipping into another recession?
ECRI says yes.