Via The Hill:
"It would take a real stretch to think I caused the problems with the economy, and that's what she is trying to do," Reid said referencing his GOP opponent, Sharron Angle. "You know that I have nothing to do with those unemployment figures, in fact I have worked hard to change them ... I think it is my job to create jobs.
"As you know, I tried to do a lot of things to stop the Bush red spending" that left the nation with a ballooning budget deficit, Reid said. "I don't have any hand in what took place during the Bush administration — I tried to rein that in."
Granted Bush allowed more spending than he should have...that is on him.
Reid's fight against Bush was nothing more than politics, otherwise he would have fought the massive trillions in spending that Obama wanted, but he didn't. He bribed, cheated and paid off Senators to vote for those massive spending bills.
Reid has encouraged and enabled more spending under Obama than Bush ever spent. Bailouts, healthcare, stimulus.... Reid is a liar, under his rule in the Senate and Obama's reign as president, Harry Reid has enabled more spending and is part of the reason the economic conditions have gotten worse.
They ok'd trillions for a bandaid that slowed the bleeding but would never have stemmed it totally and he claims innocence?
Harry Reid is the poster boy for incompetence and needs to be replaced. Not just on a local level but as Senate Majority Leader he is the country's problem and everyone should be working to fire his ass.