Personally I would rather have somebody that can do the job than someone that can talk about doing the job.
I am funny that way.
If raising money is any indicator of support, Rick Perry may have much more than the media is willing to admit.
Drudge headlines with "PERRY POWERHOUSE: PULLS IN $17 MILLION."
The Politico reports the $17 million figure is almost as much as Mitt Romney brought in during his first quarter as a declared candidate and they say that Perry had "slightly less time to fundraise this quarter than Romney did in his first quarter this cycle."
Ed Morrissey over at Hot Air gives meaning to that term "slightly less time" by explaining:
The pace is even more impressive. Perry had 49 days in which to raise funds, rather than the full 92 days of the quarter, a rate of about $349,000 a day. The final debate in September didn’t hurt Perry’s fundraising rate, either. In the 42 days prior to the Orlando debate, their rate was $323K per day; in the eight days following the Orlando debate, that escalated to $478K per day. Perry’s on-line operation did well, too, drawing in $1.1 million — despite, as my source says, not driving contributions with their on-line ads.
More from Washington Post:
The Perry campaign said it had $15 million cash on hand as of Sept. 30. Perry, who entered the race in mid-August, amassed his total over just 49 days and received contributions from more than 22,000 donors from all 50 states, the campaign said. All but about $50,000 of his sum can be spent during the primary campaign, the campaign said.
Hard core conservatives are not pleased with Perry's immigration stance even though he is a huge proponent of securing the borders with boots on the ground and other means but not a supporter of a fence itself, but as I pointed out after his last debate, American majorities prioritize their issues and immigration isn't even in the top three for them.
Economy, budget, jobs/unemployment and government spending all come in far above immigration and Perry is strong in all of those. So for those of us prioritizing and understanding no candidate is going to match our stances on every single issue out there, Perry is very much in the running.
More at Rick Perry.org.
Since this post is about Perry, might as well show one of his Proven Leadership ad.