With that said, more women have come foward, one recently who is represented by Gloria Allred, although no formal charges, no police reports, just unprovable inappropriate behavior and "unwanted advances" in a he-said-she-said public display.
My problem here is that it is my firm belief that despite Cain's recent polling, I never once believed he would be the eventual GOP candidate and all this hoopla over Cain is nothing more than a serious distraction for conservatives who are trying to determine who to support in the upcoming Republican primaries.
After my initial post which focused mainly on The Politico for publishing a 4-page story without direct quotes (except those supportive of Cain) and vague details based on a large group such as the NRA offering a settlement to two women who claimed Cain acted inappropriately, I literally didn't care enough to even click a link that dealt with this issue.
I have made no secret that my preferred candidate for the GOP nominee is Governor Rick Perry, based on what I consider priorities about what is important for the US going into 2012.
I like Cain but I do not think he has what it takes to run America. I dislike Mitt Romney on a visceral level because I see him as a liberal hiding in conservative clothing. (I am also not the only one that feels this way) I like Michele Bachmann but, like Cain, I do not think she is prepared to run the US. I adore Gingrich simply because he has no concept of political correctness, he says what is on his mind and the hell with the consequences, but I do not see him taking the GOP nomination and has too much prior baggage from being Speaker of the House so many years ago. Huntsman and Santorum and Paul are not even a blip on my radar.
With all that said, I do believe that after what Barack Obama has done to this country, any one of the aforementioned would do a better job than Obama has.
There are serious issues facing America. Unemployment at 9 percent, the national debt nearly $15 trillion now, gas is up, home ownership is down, the economy is stalled, with unemployment so high there is a shortage of taxpayers so revenue is down, regulations are out-of-control, and Barack Obama has started, embraced and continues to stoke a class war that threatens to tear this country apart at the seams.
All the ink dedicated and keyboard tapping about Cain is seriously distracting conservative voters from the upcoming primaries to choose the GOP nominee.
The primaries start in January, approximately 8 weeks from now and while political pundits and media from right to left may want to tell you there is an "inevitable" nominee, just remember that heading into 2008, Hillary Clinton was called inevitable Democratic nominee and we all know how that worked out now don't we?
No one is inevitable and if you have a preferred candidate, you should be focusing on him or her and not on he-said-she-said distractions.
Keep your eye on the ball people. Choose a candidate, fight for your candidate, and do not take your ball and go home and decide not to vote if your particular candidate does not win the nomination.
Once that nominee is chosen, unite behind that candidate unless you want Barack Obama to win a second term.
If you don't and he does, then you get what you deserve.