Democrats receive 90 percent or more from ActBlue, American Fedn of State, County & Municipal Employees, American Assn for Justice, Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, National Education Assn, Laborers Union, Teamsters Union, Service Employees International Union, American Federation of Teachers, Communications Workers of America, United Auto Workers, Machinists & Aerospace Workers Union, United Food & Commercial Workers Union, EMILY's List, AFL-CIO, Sheet Metal Workers Union, Plumbers & Pipefitters Union, United Steelworkers, Ironworkers Union, American Postal Workers Union, Human Rights Campaign, Saban Capital Group, Transport Workers Union, National Cmte for an Effective Congress, Amalgamated Transit Union
Republicans receive 90 percent or more from Club for Growth, Associated Builders & Contractors, Amway/Alticor Inc, National Fedn of Independent Business
Then turn your eyes to the headlines of the day which are still full of news about Wisconsin Runaway Democrats and Unions fighting against Governor Scott Walker's budget repair bill which would force Union workers to start paying more for their benefits, bring them closer to what everyday workers have to pay for health insurance and pensions, but still leaving them paying less and overhauling their collective bargaining rights.
Just follow the money.