From the Daily Express:
Emdadur Choudhury insisted he wouldn’t pay the paltry penalty
By David Pilditch
Tuesday March 8,2011
DRESSED in expensive designer gear yesterday, the fanatic on benefits who burned a poppy on Armistice Day agreed that his £50 fine was “a joke”.
Smirking Emdadur Choudhury, who said he “couldn’t be bothered” to turn up in court, boasted: “A £50 fine? I will wear it as a badge of pride.”
And he insisted he wouldn’t pay the paltry penalty.
“The whole fiasco around it has been a bit of a laugh,” he said. “The biggest joke of all was the slap on the wrist from the judge.”
The extremist told how radical Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary had offered to foot the bill, adding: “He’s a good friend of mine. He called me up and said ‘Don’t worry, I’ll pay it’. We were having a bit of a laugh about it.”...
Read more here.
In case you missed it, THIS is what this muslim extremist and his fellow terrorists did last 11th November, one of the most solemn days of remembrance and honouring of our fallen heroes and our veterans.I am sick and tired of these thugs disrespecting and dishonouring all that is decent and honourable in England: our warriors.
From a sports forum in Canada comes this:
Emdadur Choudhury, a member of Muslims Against Crusades (MAC), was guilty of a "calculated and deliberate" insult to the dead and those who mourn them when he burned two large plastic poppies during a two-minute silence on 11 November, district judge Howard Riddle said.
Members of MAC were heard chanting "British soldiers burn in hell" before the burning incident near the Royal Albert Hall in London. "The two-minute chanting, when others were observing a silence, followed by a burning of the symbol of remembrance was a calculated and deliberate insult to the dead and those who mourn or remember them," Riddle said at Woolwich crown court.
Mohammad Haque, 30, of Bethnal Green, east London - a fellow MAC member - was found not guilty of the same public order offence.
Choudhury, 26, of Spitalfields, east London, had denied a charge under section 5 of the Public Order Act of burning the poppies in a way that was likely to cause "harassment, harm or distress" to those who witnessed it....
More here.
Choudhury, 26, who wore a white Armani jumper and Stone Island designer trousers yesterday, lives in a council house in Whitechapel, east London, with his wife and two sons.
He said he did not claim the family benefits of nearly £800 a month directly because he worked as an engineer. He added: “I don’t need to claim benefits but if they are going to give it to you why shouldn’t you take it if you wish? If your family need it and you fit the criteria, why not?...
More here.
Choudhury, whose parents moved to England from Bangladesh, are apparently proud of him. His wife is behind him 100%, as they live in a council house. Choudhury says the imam where he prays is also very happy with him.
Their actions went "far beyond the boundaries of legitimate protest and freedom of expression," prosecutor Simon Ray said. You think?
During the above Express interview, Choudhury is quoted as saying:
...[that] he did not recognise “man-made law”.He added: “It’s absolutely ridiculous to find me guilty of a crime which isn’t really a crime. Burning a poppy? Is that a crime? I don’t think so. If it was serious, the punishment would have been a bit more severe.”
He went on to attack British society saying: “There’s nothing I like about this country.”
That being the case, I have but one suggestion for this Choudhury: Leave England, please, and go somewhere, anywhere else. Bangladesh, maybe? In the meantime, he immediately needs to forfeit collecting even one more penny from the British taxpayers.
I have to wonder if Choudhury would still be jeering and mocking of the troops and the society he hates so much, if our troops were allowed to mete out an appropriate sentence. This sentence Choudhury did get could be called a sick joke, and obviously this convicted criminal sees it as a joke, as he openly sneers at British society . This sentence is - itself - a crime. This disgraceful incident is apparently what is sweeping the streets of England, MY England, and it has to be stopped. Instead of this paltry fine, Choudhury and others of his islamic terrorist persuasion need to be shown that England will NOT accept such insults, especially of our troops; our troops who fight to defend the rights to freedom of speech which s***heads like Choudhury flagrantly abuse at every opportunity.
Most especially ENOUGH of them dishonouring our warriors' sacrifices.. No more. I think it is long overdue for Choudhury to be subjected to his own 'harassment, harm or distress,' after which he could be 'encouraged' to leave England, and find a country more to his liking.
Just a thought.