[Update 6/6/11] More women step forward and more photos published.
[Update 6/3/11] Weinergate Goes From Amusing To Sickening, Daily Kos Founder Markos Moulitsas Refused To Protect Identity Of Minors

Screen shot to the left captured by BigGovernment, who broke the story.
I know news is slow this weekend, I understand this. I also understand when a politician enters politics he is tossing out any hope of privacy. I also get that when a bad joke slaps you in the face, you have to go with it and have a little fun.
But to turn photos of Representative Anthony Weiner's underwear covered bulging weiner into 'Weinergate' surpasses boredom and makes me want to bleach my eyes.
Quick rundown, Weiner's yfrog account (an online image-sharing site) produced a photo of a man in underwear sporting a bulge. Weiner says his yfrog account and his Twitter account was hacked and he didn't put those photos up.
Just to add more punchlines to this joke, the photo was sent to a female co-ed that Tweeted earlier "I wonder what my boyfriend @RepWeiner is up to right now." (See screen shot of that tweet here)
Doug Ross at Director Blue puts everything into a time line:
4/09/2011 00:00 @GennetteNicole tweets "I wonder what my boyfriend @RepWeiner is up to right now"
04/10/2011 20:15 @Solzilla observes that "@GennetteNicole's @RepWeiner crush is cute."
04/12/2011 00:00 @maggiehenning, a school girl, tweets "talking to Rep Weiner ... right now! is my life real?"
04/13/2011 00:00 @patriotusa76 jeers "@repweiner talking to high-school girls now. Freak."
04/19/2011 00:00 @patriotusa76 notes that "@RepWeiner ... unfollowed 1 school girl. Now has 1 left ... initials: GN..."
04/19/2011 00:00 @GennetteNicole replies: "Are you insinuating that I'm a child? Don't mention in anymore tweets..."
05/13/2011 00:00 @maggiehenning, a school girl, tweets "@RepWeiner you used to follow me :( don't forget me!!!"
05/27/2011 16:00 @RepWeiner tweets that he is "Heading to 30 Rock to chat with Rachel at 9. #Thats545InSeattleIThink"
05/27/2011 19:30 @GennetteNicole re-tweets @RepWeiner's "30 Rock" message along with "#Thats545InSeattleIThink"
05/27/2011 20:00 @RepWeiner tweets "@GennetteNicole"; the skinny white male erection photo
05/27/2011 20:04 @RepWeiner tweets "Killng me!! RT @kknapp1: @RepWeiner that is a tragedy! #EpicGame"
05/27/2011 20:05 @RepWeiner tweets "my tivo ate the hockey game! #WhoCanISue?"
05/27/2011 20:08 @RepWeiner tweets "@kknapp1 just kill me now."
05/27/2011 21:00 @RepWeiner tweets "Tivo eats the hockey game and Versus taunts me with endless postgame."
05/27/2011 21:10 @RepWeiner tweets "Followers of my lame hockey tweets recall i picked tb and nashville. #NotSoBrilliant"
05/27/2011 21:24 @RepWeiner tweets "Tivo shot. FB hacked. Is my blender gonna attack me next?"
05/28/2011 14:00 Gennette Nicole Cordova's social accounts are deleted (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
05/28/2011 14:00 Congressman Weiner's yfrog photo albums are completely deleted along with suspicious tweets
05/28/2011 18:00 Gennette Nicole Cordova's web references, including her byline on school news stories, are deleted
New York Post definitely has the headline of the day on this one with "Undies in a twist over ‘Weiner wiener’ ".
[Update] OMG, Twitter now has a Weinergate thread... yes, seriously!! Boy are they having fun with it.
[Update#2] Piece listing 8 Things to know about this story from The News Junkie who thinks after looking at everything in the order it happened, then Weiner's denials, says the verdict is that Weiner denials are "far-fetched".
Bottom line: Three people know the whole truth, the co-ed, Weiner and his wife who would know what his weiner looks like in undies and whether or not he even owns gray undies.
This has been the obligatory Weiner's weiner post..... now back to regularly programmed holiday festivities.