"There have been multiple incidents of assault, drug dealing and drug use, rape and attempted rape, according to conversations with numerous protesters. And the problem, they say, is getting worse." --- Lila Shapiro, Huffington Post 11/1/11
The first video below is an interview with an Occupier where she explains the sexual assault issues within the OWS movement, including the rape of a deaf boy, which went unreported.
The second video is of a news report with a women who says she was raped and robbed from Occupy Baltimore who says no one has tried to help her as well as openly acknowledged drug use and drug paraphernalia like needles, ties and such. (H/T Power Line)
At the Occupy Dallas campsite a sex offender has been arrested and charged with sexually assaulting a 14 year-old girl and failing to register as a sex offender.(Video below of Dallas news report)
The Occupier Rap Sheet is now at 128 and still counting.
According to the far left Daily Kos site, there have been nearly 3,000 arrests as of October 31, 2011, associated with the Occupiers.
Wealthy Among Occupiers
The Daily Caller obtained information of age, sex, criminal charge, home address and in most cases, race on Occupy Wall Street protesters arrested in New York City between September 18 and October 15.
Among addresses for which information is available, single-family homes listed on those police intake forms have a median value of $305,000 — a far higher number than the $185,400 median value of owner-occupied housing units in the United States.
Some of the homes where “Occupy” arrestees reside, viewed through Google Maps and the Multiple Listing Service real estate database, are the definition of opulence.

Take a look at the slideshow of homes, some worth up to $850,000, where arrested "99'ers" live when not camping out in the Zucotti Park and partying.
Costs To Taxpayers
According to the NYPD on October 7, 2011, the first three weeks of demonstrations cost the city $2 million in police overtime and defended the use of pepper spray and batons to control rowdy crowds. It is now Novemeber so do the math yourself to see how much NY taxpayers are paying to date.
The Occupy Phoenix movement has so far cost the city more than $200,000 as of October 28, 2011.
Occupy Minnesota is costing Minneapolis taxpayers $100,000 a week
About four weeks into the “occupation” of Government Plaza in Minneapolis, Hennepin County Sherriff Rich Stanek reported that his department’s cost to babysit the unruly mob has so far amounted to $200,000. The Minneapolis Police Department reported on October 18th that it had spent nearly $100,000 policing the round-the clock protestors.
So far a total in excess of $300,000 has been spent on law enforcement operations alone because of the continuous disruptive presence of the protestors in Minneapolis. Another $15,000 per week is the estimated additional cost from incidental services like increased sanitation. All told, the “occupiers” are costing Minneapolis taxpayers in the neighborhood of $100,000 per week.
Nationally, the Occupy Wall Street protests are costing taxpayers millions upon millions of dollars just for increased law enforcement and over 1,000 protestors have been arrested and jailed.
That was just a few examples of what taxpayers across the country are paying.
Never forget, Barack Obama created this class warfare movement on June 29, 2011 in a speech to distract voters from his dismal economic failures to cast blame on "corporate jet owners" and the rich, then Democrats embraced it and thought it would be a good idea to harness the anger.
You can find all WuA's Occupier antics posts at the class warfare label page here.