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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Solutions 2012 SuperPAC Launches:

By Susan Duclos

A new SuperPAC, Solutions 2012, has been launched in support of Newt Gingrich along with a website called "timefornewt.

Via The Hill:

“Solutions 2012 will fill the void by making expenditures for GOTV efforts, mail, and television and radio ads,” said a press release from the group.

A video posted to the group's website played up Gingrich's policy knowledge while chiding the other candidates for violating Ronald Reagan's "11th Commandment" by attacking one another.

"While the other candidates attack each other, one is rising in the polls," the video says. "Substance matters."

Video below:

Time For Newt

Gingrich comes with some baggage from his years as Speaker of the House, but as I pointed out in my previous post, he is a pistol and he keeps his eye on the ball and the endgame which is replacing Barack Obama in 2012.
