The goal is to counter the mindset produced by the mainstream media that it is somehow "inevitable" that Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee when all is said and done.
I myself have pointed out, more than once, that in 2007 Hillary Clinton was called the "inevitable" Democratic candidate and everyone knows how well that worked out.
They have created their first 34 second ad called "Nominee" and base their whole concept on the theme of "Mitt Romney should NOT be OUR nominee."
From the "Learn" page over at NotMittRomney.com:
In 2004, the American people reject John Kerry, in large part, because he was a flip-flopper who couldn’t be trusted. Well, Mitt Romney makes John Kerry look like Mr. Consistency in the flip flopping department. There are whole websites devoted to his ever changing positions on the issues.
Just to name SOME of his flip-flops, all of which occurred within the last twenty years when he was a Republican — Romney used to adamantly pro-choice, but now he claims to be pro-life. He once favored amnesty for illegal aliens, but says he’s against it today. He opposed the Bush tax cuts in 2003, but now says he wants to keep them in place. Romney campaigned against the Contract with America and proudly told voters he wasn’t a Reagan/Bush Republican. Today, he says Reagan is one of his heroes. Romney used to be strongly in favor of gun control, but now he says he’s against it. Romney once said the global warming debate “is now pretty much over” because we knew the earth was warming and mankind was the cause of it. However, he’s now changed his mind. Romney used to oppose “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” but he currently supports the policy. Romney used to be opposed a Constitutional Amendment to protect marriage, but he backs the Amendment at the moment.
What changed? Well, Mitt Romney decided to run for President and had to convince conservative primary voters to support him.
That’s it.
This creates a huge dilemma conservatives: How do you support a candidate when you literally don’t know what he really thinks about anything? How do you trust a candidate like Mitt Romney when it’s impossible to know where he’ll really come down on ANY issue once he’s President?
They have multiple blog posts already and the option for other Conservatives to join.
For those who do not favor Romney, the benefit of such a site with active participants may very well inform undecided voters of positions and stances that Romney has had, has now or has changed over time.
Via The Hill we see there are other groups including Western Representation PAC and The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama, both PACS, who are also actively campaigning against Mitt Romney as the "inevitable" meme.