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Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Mexican Victims Of Obama And Holder's Fast And Furious Scandal

By Susan Duclos

The damage to America from the Fast and Furious scandal has been costly, lives lost, one of which was border patrol agent Brian Terry, but the untold story, until now, is the damage those assault weapons, that were deliberately sold with the intent of putting them in the hands of Mexican drug cartels in order to track them, but somehow the United States Attorney’s Office and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) managed to lose them, has done in Mexico.

The most well known Mexican victim of Fast & Furious is Mario Gonzalez Rodriguez (above), a Chihuahua City lawyer. His sister was Patricia Gonzalez Rodriguez, who at the time was the Attorney General of Chihuahua. A video surfaced of Mr. Gonzalez handcuffed in a chair and surrounded by armed masked men. In it he "confessed" his sister worked with the Juarez cartel. His body was found November 5, 2010 in a shallow grave.  A few days later the police had a shoot out with cartel members, arrested eight of them, and seized sixteen weapons. Two AK-47s were linked to Fast & Furious, but ATF Acting Attache Carlos Canino was not allowed to inform the Mexican government of the connection.

La Familia used Fast & Furious guns to take down a police helicopter. The cartel shot down the helicopter, injuring two officers. A raid by the Federal Police on La Familia left 11 dead and arrested 36 others. They found massive artillery, including several guns from Fast & Furious.

The Oversight Committee's July 26, 2011 report gives at least 48 separate recoveries involving Fast & Furious weapons. A letter from the DOJ to Chairman Darrell Issa and Senator Charles Grassley on September 9, 2011 gives in depth details on a few of those recoveries.

Mary Chastain over at Big Government provides more details from the Committee on Oversight & Government Reform investigation.

Matthew Boyle at The Daily Caller follows up on Chastain's report by highlighting that  "drug cartel operatives used weapons from Operation Fast and Furious in a failed attempt to assassinate a high-ranking Mexican law enforcement official, the El Paso Times reports in an article that follows up on an initial report from Breitbart News’ Mary Chastain."

In order to protect Eric Holder and his own administration's complicity in the failed Fast and Furious operation and deaths associated with it, recently Barack Obama claimed Executive Privilege to prevent the Committee on Oversight & Government Reform , from being given documents they issued a subpoena to Eric Holder's office to obtain.

(Letter asserting Executive privilege embedded at the bottom of this post)

Liberals are fond of claiming the investigation is a "witch hunt" against Obama and Holder, but the more information that becomes public makes it evident that this is exactly why the Committee on Oversight exists in the first place.

Executive Privilege Letter

Wake up America's coverage on Fast and Furious found here.