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Sunday, August 05, 2012

Former Porn Star Supporting Romney Told To Kill Herself By Liberals And Called a Whore

By Susan Duclos

The self-proclaimed "tolerant" liberal crowd shows once again that they want everyone to be tolerant of their views but they can be intolerant, vile and vitriolic towards anyone that dares offer an opinion other than theirs.

Jenna Jameson, former porn star, is on the receiving end of liberal intolerance and hatred after expressing her support for Mitt Romney.

Twitchy provides many examples and once again we see a conservative woman attacked and told to kill herself while describing her sexual tidbits as a "ridiculously loose cunt." Another calls her a "has been whore."

A reminder of how often the liberal left resort to this type of thing:

In 2008 it was Barack Obama supporters wearing "Sarah Palin is a Cunt" T-shirts. (Photo's at links)

Early July, Liberals were calling Brad Pitt's Mother a cunt, bitch, wishing death on her and some even called for her to be killed because she wrote an op-ed criticizing Obama.

Today it is Ann Romney that Liberals are spewing their hate filled vitriolic comments on. Calling her a cunt, a twat and a bitch.

One has to wonder at their audacity in ever calling conservatives these types of names, in fact, remember how they freaked out over Rush Limbaugh suggesting Sandra Fluke, who was promoting Obama's "free birth control", was a slut?

 The hypocrisy and irony from the liberal left is astounding.