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Saturday, July 07, 2012

Once Again Liberals Call Conservative Mother A 'C*nt" - Brad Pitt's Mother

By Susan Duclos

Back in 2008, Obama supporters and WOW staffers were seen wearing Sarah Palin is a Cunt T-shirts. (Photos at those links)

No outrage from Liberals in 2008,  even from those that were so outraged they started a boycott, when Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a slut in 2012. Nope, they were completely silent in 2008 when it was a Conservative mother being attacked relentlessly.

Now it is 2012 and another mother, actor Brad Pitt's mom, who is supporting Mitt Romney and the level of vitriol leveled against her is unbelievable and liberals are attacking her, calling her a cunt.

Via Twitchy:

Many others call her a cunt, they also wish death upon her and call her a bitch as well as some other colorful vitriolic hatred.

Read all the examples over at Twitchy to see how tolerant of free speech and freedom of expression Liberals truly are.

(Correction made to this post)