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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Bigfoot Is Real According To DNA Tests, Genetic Research, And Statistician (Video)

By Susan Duclos

For decades people have claimed to see a big hairy human-like creature, some call it Bigfoot, some call it Sasquatch. People have filmed what they believed was Bigfoot, those video clips are all over YouTube, but no one has provided physical evidence of it's existence, bodiies, bones...... DNA.

Quick backstory before getting to the more recent assertions.

In 2012 veterinarian Melba S. Ketchum conducted a five-year study of more than 100 DNA
samples that she believes came from what people believe is Bigfoot. Then Ketchumhad a team of researchers at DNA Diagnostics in Nacogdoches, Texas, look at the evidence and they concluded "the creature may be a human relative that somehow developed around 15,000 years ago as a result of a hybrid cross between Homo sapiens with an unknown primate."

In late July and video appeared on YouTube of an interview with Richard Stubstad, a Registered Civil Engineer and Statistician who graduated from U.C. Berkeley (MSCE) in 1969, who was "insulted" by a cousin at a family reunion when he called him "narrow minded" for refusing to entertain the notion that Bigfoot could be real, so he finally agreed to look into the evidence, especially the DNA evidence.

Via the details:

"Within a few months, Richard made contact with Adrian Erikson, Robert Schmalzbach ("Java Bob"), Shannon Sylvia and Dr. Melba Ketchum, among others, and initiated the mitochondrial sequencing of several purported sasquatch samples through Dr. Ketchum's DNA Diagnostics Laboratory in Texas. Much to his surprise, once again, the first two samples—submitted by two totally independent and disparate researchers and from habituation sites in two widely separated states or provinces—turned out to be intimately related to one-another, DNA-wise, making the statistical probability of two independent hoaxes or mis-identifications somewhere in the 2-3 % range. Accordingly, Richard's statistical conclusion from only having analyzed the mitochondrial (prehistoric maternal origins) sequencing of these first two samples alone is that there is a 97-98 % certainty that the sasquai indeed exist—right outside of our own back door, so to speak."

97-98 % certainty level in statistics is not considered to be conclusive scientific proof, but it does show that scientific evidence is there to justify further research into proving the existence, rather than debunking the claim.

The portion about Stubstad becoming involved, the DNA and the statistical probability that Bigfoot does exist, starts at the three-minute mark.