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Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Obama Didn’t Build That, But He’s Destroying It Just the Same

By Susan Duclos

Just a link and teaser to a piece by one of our guest writers, Greg Lewis, who published a piece titled "Obama Didn’t Build That, But He’s Destroying It Just the Same," over at New Media Journal.


If there’s one thing NASA’s Mars landing early in the morning of August 6, reveals, it’s just how bent on destroying America Barack Obama is. It also reveals that it’s not just individual initiative and genius that are the targets of Obama’s subversive policies, it’s anything that stands in the way of Obama’s insistence on destroying everything American and in the process driving us into bankruptcy.

In this case, the government did build that space program, and Obama should be celebrating it. Instead, as he’s doing with our military, he cut NASA’s space shuttle funding to the point where three decades of extraordinary research and technological development are abandoned and the more than 7,400 NASA employees who created it are out of work.

Go read the entire piece.