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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Waterboarding Historically Controversial

Washington Post discusses Waterboarding.

So the subject of the day is “waterboarding,” eh? What shall we discuss tomorrow, sanitary applications of pungi sticks? Practical applications of booby traps? Or perhaps, whoa now, here’s a thought, painless beheading?

We’re so concerned about taking the “moral high ground” in this country that we’re not taking a look at the big picture here; the other side doesn’t give a DAMN about moral high ground, they just want us dead. Period. End of discussion. They aren’t worried about whether they treat us humanely when they capture us, in their eyes, we’re infidels and don’t deserve the air we breath. We’re taking up space that they consider necessary for the little terrorist to be in the playpen back in to have as his own one day to heard his goats and shoot his AK-47 in the air while drinking fermented goats milk, screaming ALLAH ACKBAR!

Give me a break. War is not pretty. Accept that. It brings out the greatest and the most base in us. If you can’t handle that simple basic fact, and the simple basic fact that we’re up against an enemy who is SO convinced we should all die that he doesn’t mind dying himself to be rewarded in heaven, then you’re living in a fantasy world. Open your eyes and take a good long, hard, look at harsh reality. Watch the footage of 9/11 again, and remember.