A day should not go by where what is good and what is right in Iraq is not pointed out by somebody and I am pround to be the one trying to spread that news.
So, without further ado.
The Good news From Iraq.
11/01/06- BALAD, Iraq — Coalition Forces killed a terrorist and detained a suspected terrorist Tuesday morning during a successful raid in Balad.
The early morning raid targeted an individual associated with a suspected senior leader of an al-Qaeda in Iraq network who is known for links with foreign terrorists and IED attacks in the area.
Full release here.
11/01/06- BAGHDAD — Coalition Forces launched an air strike on an IED factory early Wednesday morning South of Baghdad as they continue to dismantle the al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorist network.
With the assistance of Iraqi citizens, Coalition Forces were able to locate and destroy a confirmed terrorist IED factory.
According to ground forces, there was explosive paraphernalia along with an estimated 70-80 barrels of unknown chemicals in the factory.
Full release here.
To see all the new releases on Iraq and Afghanistan go here.
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We are making significant gains in the war in Iraq and yes it is costing lives. Our brave soldiers are fighting a war and they volunteer, knowing they could lose their lives and they deserve our respect and our support because it is for OUR safety that they are there fighting this fight.
Despite the left medias attempts to portray this as a "losing" war, we are not losing, we are fighting and that IS what war is. The only thing that can cost us this war is the Democratic party, playing with our troops lives for political reasons.
Understand the stakes and make sure you get out and vote.
General George Casey says:
“We make progress every day all across Iraq,” Gen. George Casey, commander of the coalition of forces inIraq, told me on the conference’s first day. “It’s troubling to see the perceptions people have here because of the violence — now, is there violence? Sure there is, but what people don’t see is the Iraqis are taking little steps forward every day.”
11/01/06- BAGHDAD, Iraq — Coalition Forces killed five terrorists and detained one suspected terrorist Tuesday morning during a raid in Baghdad that targeted individuals associated with a suspected senior leader of an al-Qaeda in Iraq network.
As Coalition Forces approached the targeted building, several people ran inside. The assault force continued inside and received fire. They immediately returned fire, killing five terrorists armed with AK-47s. Several women and children were also in the building but they were not injured or detained. The ground forces searched the building and discovered an illegal collection of military equipment, destroying it on-site to prevent further use by al-Qaeda members. Nine weapons were also found on the scene.
Full release here.
11/01/06- BAGHDAD — Slovakian engineers continue to make Iraq a safer place, and most notably they discovered, cleared and destroyed more than 27 tons of unexploded munitions in Al Quadisiyah province during Operation White Eagle II.
Since Sept. 11, the 7th Engineer Rotation engineering group assigned to Camp Echo in Ad Diwaniyah, conducted 31 engineering missions.
The Slovakians patrolled, surveyed, de-mined and provided engineer reconnaissance to an area more than 97,900 square meters. Their efforts significantly reduced what could have been a great threat local Iraqi citizens, and kept the munitions from falling into the hands of insurgents or others who would harm Iraqis and Coalition Forces.
Full release here.
Maybe it is time we started listening to what our soldiers, who are IN Iraq are saying, instead of our politician and the left media.
During Ramadan, terrorist cells and rival factions pushed the level of violence to unprecedented levels and forced local residents to flee to nearby Khadimiya and other areas.
Soldiers from the 7th Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, led the way in responding to the violence by aggressively conducting missions against suspected terrorists with mounted and dismounted patrols as well as providing counter-fire against mortar attacks.
The Joint Coordination Center, located at Saab al Bour Police Station, houses the combined forces of 7th Sqdn., 10th Cav. Regt. Soldiers, Iraqi Army Soldiers and Iraqi Police officers.
The Soldiers said they felt their efforts were paying off. “The numbers of attacks have decreased. This is my third time out here, and it’s been pretty quiet,” said Capt. Matt Cooper, assistant intelligence officer, Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 7th Sqdn., 10th Cav. Regt.
Cooper describes his job as “trying to paint a picture of what’s going on for the commander.” In addition to that mission, Cooper said he seeks to develop the cities’ demographics to get a better block-by-block picture of rival factions living in the town.
Who will you believe? The media? The Politicians? Or our soldiers who are in Iraq?
More good news from Iraq at Morning Coffee and more on Kerry from "thinkinboutstuff".
My Related posts: Good News From Iraq #1, #2, #3, #4 , #5, #6 and #7.
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