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Monday, October 02, 2006

Articles to Read

Going through the news today and then the blogosphere, there are a few articles and comments to note.

Michael Barone on Real Clear Politics has an outstanding article Called "
The Disappearing Us".

Today, Democrats are pretty much back to the third person plural. Yes, they still talk of "our troops" from time to time, but usually only to call for them to be "redeployed" from a mission that has been more successful than not, but has not been completed. They seldom mention any soldier's heroism unless they can persuade him to run for office on the Democratic ticket. They talk, instead, about George Bush's war, even though most Democratic senators and nearly half of House Democrats voted to authorize it and -- remember? -- said that they believed Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Seems the Democrats have forgotten this is "our" country. They cherry pick when they are "part of" that country and when it is the "Republicans". Read the Barone article, it definitely makes a person think, at least those that still wish to think.

Another article that is a must read comes from the Washington post, amazing since I generally see this paper as a rag, and the author of the article (A Party without Principles) better watch his step, with this type of honest writing and self reflection, the Post might not keep him around.

If Democrats cared about poor women and minorities, they would be clamoring to reform Social Security. But instead they get a childish gratification out of stamping their feet and refusing to discuss the subject. They can't muster the courage to block the suspension of habeas corpus. But when it comes to blocking entitlement reform, the Democrats ride out to battle.
Definitely worth your time to read it, I do not often say that about any WP Article or opinion, but there it is.

Related post I wrote on Democrats.

Now in the world of blogs, there is a variety of posts and here are a few of them. The Strata-Sphere has a couple of them. On called "Summarizing the Democrats" and another "Craven, Desperate, Democrats".

We then have Dr. Sanity with a post called "First Person Plural"

NewsBusters is always a good read, even when I disagree with a post here and there, I still enjoy reading them. THAT is good writing.

Will update this as I go through more and find interesting posts or commentary.