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Friday, July 05, 2013

Obama Administration Credo: 'Lie First'

By Susan Duclos

The Obama administration has been caught over and over again lying to the American people, but at some point, when lies add up, the term pathological liar becomes appropriate, as the video compilation below the post will show.

Whether the issue is large or small doesn't even seem to matter to the Obama administration, their first response is to lie, or speak before knowing any of the facts, as evidenced by administration officials going on national television insisting the terrorist attack in Benghazi Libya was part of a protest or demonstration over a video clip, which everyone now knows was completely false.

The latest lies from the administration are completely bewildering because the issue was so small and the truth would not have harmed them in any way.

Eyewitnesses happily tweeted  that they had seen Secretary of State John Kerry on his boat on Wednesday, multiple people say him and the administration instantly sent out denials, claiming that "Any report or tweet that he was on a boat is completely inaccurate."

Of course, it was accurate and the Obama administration acknowledged that, yes, Kerry was on his boat briefly.

Secretary of State John Kerry was on his boat briefly on Wednesday, contrary to an earlier denial by the State Department, but was there only briefly and did not conduct official business while on board.

“While he was briefly on his boat on Wednesday, Secretary Kerry worked around the clock all day including participating in the president’s meeting with his national security council," spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Friday. Kerry also held calls "with Norwegian Foreign Minister Eade,Qatari Foreign Minister al-Attiyah, Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu, Egyptian Constitution Party President ElBaradei and five calls Ambassador Patterson on that day alone and since then he continued to make calls to leaders including Emirati Foreign Minister bin Zayed, Prime Minister Netanyahu and Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr.”  None of the calls were made from aboard the boat.

CBS News had initially reported that one of its producers spotted Kerry boarding the boat at the Nantucket Boat Basin on Wednesday afternoon, within hours of the removal of Mohamed Morsi from power in Egypt. But the State Department denied that Kerry had been there.
This has become the pattern of the obama administration, to lie first, then admit the truth once the lies have been debunked as evidenced by PolitiFact's Barack Obama file:

• Obama and/or his administration has made  "false" statements 14 percent of the time, totaling 66 statements.

• Obama and/or his administration has made "mostly false" statement 12 percent of the time totaling 58 statements.

•  Obama and/or his administration has made "pants on fire" statements 2 percent of the time, totaling 8 statements.

• Obama and/or his administration has made "half true" statements 27 percent of the time, totaling 131 statements.

Those are just the statements and assertions that PolitiFact has fact checked.

The Obama administration's credo: Lie First

Obama Lies Compilation