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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

'Nigg-a' Is Good, 'Nigg-er is Bad' So Says Trayvon's Girlfriend

By Susan Duclos

In her first interview since the trial (and probably should be her last) Trayvon Martin's girlfriend Rachel Jeantel explains to Piers Morgan the difference between the word "nigga" which she claims isn't racist and the word "nigger" which is.

Jeantel claims nigga doesn't mean doesn’t mean a "black male," but "nigger" is a “racist word.”

She said “I’d advise you not to be by black people” when you say that word, Jeantel explained, “because they’re not going to have it like that."

I wish Morgan would have had the cojones to ask her if Creepy Ass "Cracka" is also different than Creep' Ass "Cracker", which is the term Trayvon Martin used on the phone with her to describe George Zimmerman.