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Tuesday, May 07, 2013

States With Strongest Gun Laws Have Highest Number Of Gun Murders

By Susan Duclos

TheBlaze headlines with "The Firearms Statistics That Gun Control Advocates Don’t Want to See," and after following the links they provide, the headline is accurate because gun control advocates and gun grabbers, really don't want these numbers publicized.


According to data from the FBI’s uniform crime reports, California had the highest number of gun murders in 2011 with 1,220 — which makes up 68 percent of all murders in the state that year and equates to 3.25 murders per 100,000 people.
The irony of such a grisly distinction is evident when you look at which state was named the state with the strongest gun control laws in 2011 by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. You guessed it — it was California. “What is very unusual is that California also has a program by which we can remove guns, recover guns from people who have a gun and then subsequently become prohibited or dangerous,” Brady Campaign spokeswoman Amanda Wilcox said at the time.
It should be noted, though, that California is also one of the biggest states in the country, with a population of about about 37 million. Therefore, it might make sense that it would have a high number of murders but its murder rate is still high as gun control has had a seemingly inconsequential impact. In comparison, Texas has a population of about 25.6 million and saw 699 total gun murders in 2011 — nearly half that of California — and a firearms murder rate of 2.91 per 100,000.
But if you look at the data another way — murders per 100,000 people — another gun control haven tops the list.
The FBI data also notes that Washington, D.C. had the highest murder rate per 100,000 people. The nation’s capital saw 12 gun murders per 100,000 in 2011. DC also finished first in gun-related robberies per 100,000 people – with 242.56.
In 1976, the District of Columbia required all guns be registered, banned new handguns and required guns at home to be stored and dissembled or locked up. Unfortunately, the draconian measures — which lasted more than three decades — didn’t had the desired effect.
It is exactly what Second Amendment supporters have been saying, when you take Second Amendment rights away from law abiding citizens, the people left armed are the criminals that do not obtain their weapons legally the majority of the time.

Each side can have their own opinion, but data doesn't lie.

Related from this morning:

NC House Votes To Expand Second Amendment Rights, Rapidly Report Mental Health, Increase Punishment