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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Small Businesses On Obamacare Taxes: Won't Hire, Won't Grow, Won't Cover Employees

By Susan Duclos

ABC7 talked to some small business owners who explained what the Obamacare tax hikes would mean for their businesses.

And unless Congress repeals it, some say it's time to move on.

Many businesses didn't want to talk on camera, but they did say mandated insurance will mean not hiring new workers, not growing their business, and some say they'll just pay the penalty, rather than having to cover all of their workers.

See the comprehensive list of Obamacare tax hikes, 20 of them, HERE.

As was reported in the last piece, between those hikes and Obama's continued "tax the rich" class warfare, which really taxes more small businesses owners than the so-called rich, the Small Business Optimism Index has suffered the highest one-month drop in two years.

Since we are still on the tax subject because Obama so wants to focus on it and has encouraged Congress to vote on his plan immediately, it is noteworthy that the Senate had that very opportunity, to vote on Obama's tax increase plan and the Republican's plan, and Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid blocked a vote on both.

AP reports "Democrats block Senate vote on Obama tax plan."

The Hill reports "Reid blocks McConnell attempt to force tax votes."

In the meantime, House Republicans will force House Democrats to go on record one way or another today with the Obamacare repeal bill.

Since Obamacare is so unpopular still, there are Democrats on record saying they will vote for a repeal of Obamacare.

Rep. Mike McIntyre (D-NC) Will Support The Repeal Of ObamaCare. “U.S. Rep. Mike McIntyre responded to the Supreme Court decision on President Obama’s health care law, saying he would continue to support the repeal of the law because ‘the individual mandate is a tax which I do not support. (Source- Star News)

Rep. Larry Kissell (D-NC) On ObamaCare: “I Will Vote To Repeal It.” "I’ve heard from hundreds and hundreds of people from my district about their opposition to the health care law,’ Kissell told the Observer Monday. ‘I voted against it originally and I will vote to repeal it.’ (Source-Charlotte Observer)


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