Gallup shows that the age group of 18 to 29 year old's demographic has dropped by 20 points since 2008, from 78 percent to 58 percent of that group that says they are "definitely likely" to vote in 2012.
Obama held a 34 percent lead in that age group in 2008 over John McCain and that also has dropped to a 23 percent lead in that demographic for the upcoming 2012 election against Mitt Romney.
Cameron Joseph over at The Hill's Ballot Box, sums it up quite succinctly:
That advantage won't matter if the young voters don't show up to vote, however.
As was shown yesterday, Barack Obama is bleeding support from every demographic compared to what he saw in 2008.
With priority polling showing that jobs and the economy, in every poll conducted, are the number one issue on American voter's minds heading into the November presidential election and with no hope for improvement in the near future, those demographics are bound to get worse for Obama in the months to come.