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Saturday, June 02, 2012

Wisconsin Liberals Getting Creepy Now

By Susan Duclos

Ann Althouse uploaded a mailer she received from pro-recall group Greater Wisconsin Political Fund, showing the names and addresses of her neighbors and information on whether they voted or not in the last two elections. She describes it as creepy and disgusting.

Via The Mailer:

Dear Registered Voter: 
 Who votes is public record! 
Why do so many people fail to vote? We’ve been talking about the problem for years, but it only seems to get worse. This year, we’re taking a new approach. We’re sending this mailing to you and your neighbors to publicize who does and doesn’t vote. 
 We need to pull together. The chart shows the names of some of your neighbors, showing which voted in the past. 
 After the June 5th election, public records will tell everyone who voted and who didn’t. 
 Do your civic duty — vote.
Nobody has the right to tell anyone else to vote or not to. We can encourage, ask, but to attempt to intimidate is, as Althouse mentions, despicable.

Althouse's reaction:
I obscured names and addresses, but be assured, this was a list of real names and addresses of people who live near me, with the information about whether they voted in the last 2 elections. This is an effort to shame and pressure people about voting, and it is truly despicable. Your vote is private, you have a right not to vote, and anyone who tries to shame and an harass you about it is violating your privacy, and the assumption that I will become active in shaming and pressuring my neighbors is repugnant.

Associate Clinical Professor at Cornell Law School, William A. Jacobson over at Legal Insurrection, uplaoded a mailer a reader emailed to him which informed him of political contributions made by his neighbors.

No level liberals will not sink to.

The last minute desperation being shown by Wisconsin Liberals, as Scott Walker leads the polls by over 6 percent against Tom Barrett, is, indeed, creepy.


The Importance Of Wisconsin's Tuesday Recall Election