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Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Greg Lewis- Is Obama Leaking Classified Information Intentionally?

By Susan Duclos

Greg Lewis provides commentary as a guest writer here at Wake up America and has just published a piece over at The New Media Journal, titled "Is Obama Leaking Classified Information Intentionally?."

The original headline from Greg was "Is Obama Leaking Classified Information Intentionally to Undermine U.S. National Defense?"


By now, we understand that Barack Obama, the most political president in US history, is going to “spike the ball” regarding US military and intelligence successes every chance he gets. But given his reckless and irresponsible record of making classified information public, we have to wonder if his real purpose is in fact much more subversive than gaining a political edge. We have to ask if Barack Obama’s real intent is to weaken US military and intelligence capabilities and in the process compromise our national security.

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