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Sunday, May 01, 2011

BREAKING: Bin Laden Is Dead

Televisions shows across the board on prime time have been preempted in preparation for Barack Obama to make an announcement, but the reporters are saying Bin Laden is dead, killed by US military action and that we are in possession of his body.

Bin Laden, leader of Al-Qaeda, claimed the responsibility of the horrendous attack against the United states of America on 9/11/01 which killed nearly 3,000 people after planes were hijacked and two were flown directly into the world trade center, one flown into the Pentagon. and one, due to the heroics of the passengers, was brought down before being able to used as a weapon, killing all on board.

More on this tomorrow.

Initial news stories here, here, and here.

[Update] Initial reports said Bin Laden was killed a week ago, but Obama's speech clearly said he was killed today.

Follow up news stories from ABC News, BBC, MSNBC, AP, CNN, and CBS News.

Obama's speech, unedited, below:
