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Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Poll: Economy Still Top Concern, Romney Favored Over Obama By Independents

By Susan Duclos

According to a CNN/ORC International poll, the economy is still at the forefront of registered voter's minds and overall Romney and Obama are statistically tied on who the public trusts more on that priority issue.

 Among Independents, Romney holds a considerable lead against Obama.

Who would better handle the number-one issue?

Forty-eight percent of registered voters say the president would better handle the economy, with 47% saying Romney would do a better job.

"The economy remains the number-one concern to voters, but neither President Barack Obama nor Mitt Romney have an edge on that issue among registered voters nationwide," Holland says. "The groups that think Romney would do a better job - higher-income Americans, men, and older voters - and counterbalanced by lower-income Americans, women, and younger voters who give the edge to Obama. Fifty-two percent of independents think Romney would do a better job on the economy."

The economy and jobs has dominated the first three months of the Obama-Romney general election showdown.

The poll indicates Romney has a ten point advantage on which candidate would do a better job dealing with the federal budget deficit, with Obama holding an eight point advantage on foreign policy and a seven point advantage on health care. Romney holds a three point margin on illegal immigration.

Full poll results found HERE.