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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Not Taxing People Is NOT Considered 'Spending' -The Invincible Lie

By Susan Duclos

Quick teaser and pointer because the article by Thomas Sowell over at Real Clear Politics is a must-read in full:


Anyone who wants to study the tricks of propaganda rhetoric has a rich source of examples in the statements of President Barack Obama. On Monday, July 9th, for example, he said that Republicans "believe that prosperity comes from the top down, so that if we spend trillions more on tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, that that will somehow unleash jobs and economic growth."

Let us begin with the word "spend." Is the government "spending" money on people whenever it does not tax them as much as it can? Such convoluted reasoning would never pass muster if the mainstream media were not so determined to see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil when it comes to Barack Obama.

 Read the entire article.

This is Obama's biggest lie to date, despite page after page after page of his habitual lies to the American people.